Re: [OPEN] [IL]Research Conservation causes many skills to increase rapidly

by BlackjackWidow

Original Post

Re: [OPEN] [IL]Research Conservation causes many skills to increase rapidly

★★ Guide

I kinda have enjoyed this as it's given me skills in gardening and cooking, which makes sense to me as it's conservation.  Perhaps not whole levels, as I've had, but it makes sense that researching conservation would bring up things like how to garden/cook sustainably.  Though I've also had my video game level rise up.  Worst I ever had this was leveling up 4 skills while I was researching conservation, and none of them were logic (though it was still leveling up).


I also have no mods or CC so this is a clean game.

Message 11 of 19 (1,359 Views)

Re: [OPEN] [IL]Research Conservation causes many skills to increase rapidly

★ Guide

Y'all had to be the kid in class that reminds the teacher to collect homework! LOL

But yes, can confirm. Cooking, Gourmet Cooking, Fishing, Handiness, Comedy, and Writing have all leveled up while researching conservation for me.

Message 12 of 19 (1,328 Views)

Re: [OPEN] [IL]Research Conservation causes many skills to increase rapidly

★★★★ Apprentice

I had a similar issue.  Even a Sim that does have a piano or that skill developed the ability to play.  This is along with a number of other skills.

Message 13 of 19 (1,301 Views)

Re: [OPEN] [IL]Research Conservation causes many skills to increase rapidly

Hero (Retired)
This bug - if it is a bug, and not because of the design - stops when the sim will reach higher- if I remember well - the 4th level of the career. I have to admit that this "gift" didn't make me happy.
Message 14 of 19 (1,252 Views)

Re: [OPEN] [IL]Research Conservation causes many skills to increase rapidly

Hero (Retired)

Adding my "Me Too". Vanilla game, no mods/cc, never used. Base game, RG, IL and freebies


Traits that make you skill faster also "help" - I have 2 sims in the conservation career, both started at level 1 (testing both career tracks). The sim that completed the tutorial and has the "Over-Achiever" trait leveled several skills from level 1 to level 3 or 4 in the first research task. The other sim, with no skill enhancing traits, leveled a couple of skills to a max of level 2. In both cases, neither learned anything new. For instance, both sims had logic and fitness skills started, but one had cooking level 1 and the other had no cooking skills. The tutorial sim, with cooking skill, leveled logic at the usual rate but jumped cooking from level 2 to 4 in one sitting.

Message 15 of 19 (1,213 Views)

Re: [OPEN] [IL]Research Conservation causes many skills to increase rapidly

★★★ Apprentice

I'm having the same issue too. I've noticed that it seems to be my Sims most recent skills that get a boost - for example, if my Sim has just upgraded a sink, then their handiness skill will increase when they research conservation.


This happens every single time my Sim researches conservation, and I don't use Mods.

Message 16 of 19 (1,162 Views)

Re: [OPEN] [IL]Research Conservation causes many skills to increase rapidly

★★ Novice

Have also had this bug of random skills boosting up extremely fast just from researching conservation. Not just logic, but also video gaming and cooking - recently used skills as stated by others. 


Going to have to avoid this career path until this bug is fixed, no matter how much I want to see where it leads.

Message 17 of 19 (1,110 Views)

Re: [OPEN] [IL]Research Conservation causes many skills to increase rapidly

★★★★★ Guide

At first, I though this was just a way of gaining skills related to the Conservationist career - since there are multiple applicable skills.


And then my Sim received the Video Gaming skill and an increase in his Cooking Skill. Hrmmmm?

Message 18 of 19 (1,085 Views)

Re: [OPEN] [IL]Research Conservation causes many skills to increase rapidly


Research Conservation on the computer no longer causes every skill the Sim knows to increase rapidly.

Fixed in Patch 1.54.120

Good Luck


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Message 19 of 19 (3,666 Views)