November 2019
After my earlier post here, I went back in to check my household. The household which had had inventories full of evolved fruit, every single piece was missing when I re-opened my game. It was there before I saved and exited. This was ALL evolved fruit that was either in personal sim inventories or stored in the fridge. The only evolved fruit that remained was fruit on the ground ready to be planted, that already planted. Some normal level fruit did remain in inventories. This time my sims did not leave the lot after I saved, so something must be occurring when the game saves at all, either to exit or leave the lot, that is causing this glitch.
(Side note, maybe semi-related: I'm in another bug thread for specific error code where you can't save. In my test save--due to issue above stopped planning my usual save and went to the hardly played test one)- a visiting sim became stuck, no reset cheat would work, and when I went to save I got the error code 510:5bd7fa0b:6bbefeld. This happened after my gnomes left me seeds and my sim tried to make a greenhouse to plant the out-of-season garden items. The work-around suggested was to go to manage worlds and save, and I did, but it didn't actually save. I think it went back to the previous save, almost, b/c the calendar was in the middle of summer on the last save, the first day of fall had started when I found the error code, but despite regressing in career, losing skills, friends, her whole garden, the game resumed on day 5 of fall...? This sim never ONCE left the lot as I was testing to see if things disappeared if you didn't.)
November 2019
November 2019 - last edited November 2019
@TwinGoddessLA I posted a list of troubleshooting information, including the information for several workarounds. Please check comment #12 for the details, but a couple of things may be useful to point out. You are able to move all of the effected items into the household inventory and they will then not be deleted, the harvestables that are still on the plants are not deleted, and you are able to take these items with you for one trip (to another lot, a retail lot to use/sell there, etc.), but you will have to sell or use any of them that you take to another lot before leaving that lot or they will be deleted. It's a huge hassle, but it is a temporary workaround that will help for many purposes.
If you have many valuable items that are getting deleted by this bug, you could recover your lost simoleons by rolling your game back to a save before they were deleted and selling all of them except a handful of each item in your household inventory for use/growing, plus keep your live plants since they are not deleting and continue to grow and keep safe harvestables.
How to recover previous saves:
November 2019
Same thing for me. I had over hundreds of perfect quality harvestables in my fridge, in my flower arrangement table and in my chest (completed collection). All of them were gone after my family came back from the Jungle. I totally understand how you guys are feeling! This is completely unacceptable EA! I cannot play the game until this is fixed, my sims need to travel. I also don't have a lot of time to play this game as it is and putting my harvestables one by one in the family inventory every time they need to go somewhere is time consuming. I would definitely prefer spending the little amount of time that I have playing rather than sorting! Do we know if EA is working on fixing this issue?
November 2019
Looks like many people are having this problem, and it's true only normal quality fruit and veggies remain in the inventory, I tried to bring both normal and perfect quality fruits to another lot by travelling, only the normal ones remains
November 2019
When we get an uptdate for this bud
It is very urgent
November 2019
November 2019
November 2019 - last edited November 2019
@crinrictDaemonten One thing that I did start doing - I like keeping out the Tree of Emotion fruits in the fridge. They are the only thing I'm keeping right now, so right before I leave my lot, I take all of them out of the fridge and move them to my inventory. Then once the fridge is empty, I put all of them back into the fridge. I leave the lot to visit wherever I need to go. When I return back to my lot, all my perfect berries are fine. The next time I go to leave my lot, again, I take everything out then move it back in. It's the only way I can seem to keep my perfect berries from disappearing.
It's not really a practical solution since I like to keep perfect fruits and flowers from all the plants, but at least this makes the game playable. I count on the berries for a quick fix to moods.
November 2019
I am in a new game and I downloaded lots I previously saved to the gallery. I created a brand new sim and collected perfect, magnificent, excellent, and nice plants and added them to garden plots. I then saved the room to the gallery. No plants would save, just an empty room. I then changed the fence to walls and added a roof. Same thing. No plants will save, just an empty room.
You can see that the room I am saving has plants in it, but in the gallery no plants are saved.
Saving the lot, it looks like it saves all of the plants.
Doesn't really help me for the garden plots I was trying to save though.
I tweeted this url to the simgurus. Hopefully one of them will read the tweet. If not, can others tweet them so that it gets their attention. Thanks