November 2019
Sorry I wasn't more clear, all my books from the bookcase were gone, it's just the ROM tomes missing I'm ticked off about. There isn't anything to suggest that ROM has anything to do with the bug. Thank-you for the info though, I'll try keeping the replacements in a chest until EA fixes this.
November 2019
November 2019
So, I'm having the issue stated by the OP, that harvestables are disappearing from my Sim's inventory. But there's also one other thing I've noticed that may be related, so I thought I'd mention it here. If you think I should make a separate report for this, let me know and I'll start a new topic. What I've seen is that my vampire can have a stack of Plasma Fruit in her inventory, and when I tell her to eat (drink) a Plasma Fruit, she does, but multiple Plasma Fruit are deleted from her inventory when the interaction completes rather than just one. (Started with a stack of 21, ate one, ended up with 15, but then I tried to eat another and the whole stack of 15 disappeared. This is consistent, in that every time I reload that same save, and issue two 'eat' commands it always goes from 21 to 15 to gone.) This also generates a lastException file. (Which I am unable to attach as my reply simply will not submit with an attachment. Don't know why.)
November 2019
This explains why my avocados and black beans are the only harvestables that don't disappear (they're normal quality). I really hope they fix this soon; it's very frustrating.
November 2019
I thought the toddlers had changed too. My toddler had the "independent" trait and his needs start deteriorating much more quickly, including the social need. He also had to start taking 2 naps a day instead of 1.
November 2019
I am having same issue since this update. It makes things quite unplayable when you are on gardening path or are trying to run a retail ship that is focused around gardening. First off, if this was moved/merged to another thread/postr Crin, we would appreciate it if you would please provide the link to where you want all the updates. All fruit disappears from both fridge and sim inventory. All flowers disappearing from flower arrangement table and sim inventory. It happens on loading game and when traveling. I am not running any custom content/mods. Only have all EA released Expansion Packs, Game Packs and Stuff Packs with the patch updates. Already tried Game Repair and Save file recovery with no change. As indicated by other players mentioning creating a new game file does not fix, I did not waste my time doing this. To EA, when are you going to have a fix action available for this as I mentioned it makes the game quite unplayable.
November 2019
So since the new patch and installing University My sims inventory and fridge which were filled with perfect quality produce from the garden are now gone. The only thing remaining is the fish and already made meals. Even after harvesting them again I traveled off the home lot and when I got back they were gone from the sims inventory again? This glitch is rather annoying, please fix it. I am happy to know I'm not the only person having this problem, at least. I did the *bandaid" fixes that were posted and nothing works. I'm going to blame Tom Peeping on this one, that creep must be stealing them!!!
November 2019
I have had normal quality items disappear as well so it varies with what disappears. I have also had stuff disappear when only part of household traveled while some stayed home. On testing I tried moving items to sims inventory. Selling Fridge, Flower arrangement table and box then purchasing new ones and adding items back. Items are still intermittently disappearing. Also tried traveling with items in inventory and they would disappear.
November 2019
Currently, my workaround for this problem is storing the plants with quality better than normal in the family inventory. They won't disappear there. Anyway, I have to move them one by one from personal inventory to the ground, then pick one by one back to the family inventory. Too many mouse clicking make it become very annoying.
Another drawback is putting all produces in the family inventory make it very messy. However, that make me could continue playing the game.
November 2019
- last edited
November 2019
This does not work. Even putting in someone else's inventory and then back items will disappear.
Edit 1:
yes bug is still present with University installed. Issue happens only 100% of time but can be between 90-100% randomly.
Edit 2:
I don't play with any Mods/CC and it still happens.
(Merged post, you can edit your own post - click on the 3 dot son the side of your post) - Atic