July 2019
July 2019 - last edited July 2019
Same here, they grill and stuff it into inventory. Lousy timing for me since I'm playing a homeless sim atm, and grilling is of course a major option for eating, and I'm getting tired of dragging food out of his inventory.
July 2019
Like others, I have tried every sort of surface near the grill to see if there is a correlation between surface type, distance of surface from grill, etc. every combination I have thought to try - even going so far as to run the game with starting strings to disable the various EPs, SPs and GPs (all and one by one). I can confirm that this bug is persistent in all versions of the game with or without mods installed. It most certainly began with the rollout of the patch for Island Living and doubtless relates to the "off the grid" related coding (which is its own set of half-considered broken).
July 2019 - last edited July 2019
@daedaliavallis The strange pathing behavior to place food down has been going on for at least a few months now. It's totally separate from placing grilled food in inventory.
I see my Sims all the time go from the dining room into the living room to put a plate down after eating, then pick it up again to wash it. Sometimes they'll do this after cooking food as well. It's irritating, but not the same thing.
July 2019
@manzana0807 Considering I've been only playing a few weeks, I can only say what I've noticed in that time. I didn't get the pathing/grilled food issue before the enforced update when Island Living came out. So as far as I knew they were stemming from the same thing introduced in the patch and figured it was just buggier for sims with grilled food not even finding a place to set down, hence going into the inventory and why I mentioned it.
July 2019
July 2019
The best part of this is when they put the food in their inventory and if you forget to take it back out they will eat servings of it several hours later when its spoiled. And then you can't get them to stop eating the spoiled food even if they are at a frigging wedding or something with tons of fresh food all around them.
I have to reset them to drop the bad food and drag it to the nearest trash or sink and get it away from them just to keep them from eating it.
.... and then depending on their traits they might go to the trash and rummage it back out again anyways... :eahigh_file:
July 2019
Same thing here. In my case it's only stuff my Sim has cooked on a grill - any grill. Food cooked on the stove is placed on a nearby surface.
July 2019
July 2019
I noticed this before Island Living. All Sims including the NPC started grilling and then they would place the food in their inventory. Just adding my two cents as to hope this is fixed. They need to go back to placing the food on tables. If food is on the table, the NPC and other Sims should not start grilling more food. They should pick up the food on the table (I notice this at parks or anywhere there is a grill. Fix the Sims and NPC so that they please pick up the food on the table whenever out in public.) If they are at home, don't cook more food when you have food in the refrigerator (this is another issue). Hoping for a fix.