November 2021
I wasn't going to reply until I saw your reply: This issue doesn't bother me. Speaking only for myself and no one else, I would soooo much rather see the Cottage Living bugs and the walk styles bug fixed -- so much so that stuff like this isn't even on my radar. (I do say "no" to most of the questions about whether they should adopt that Like, though, LOL.) After I discovered these forums, I personally adopted a "pick my battles" mode pretty quickly.
November 2021
I like knowing tiny bits and facts about the people I know and I like - but getting like and dislike messages about Sims in Households I am not playing is not my cup of tea. I mean, cute, but not the time. This issue should be resolved and you will see these messages only of Households you are currently in control of.
Fixed in Patch 1.82.99/1.50
If you're still experiencing this issue, please create a new thread.
Good Luck
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Please only contact me via PM when asked to do so.
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