June 2023
June 2023
June 2023
I just started having the issue when Trying to get an Alien baby through Abduction. I had to use cheats or mods to get a male sim pregnant if I rolled for the percent which is normally 25%. Something happened after a patch. Unmodded and clear cache when I tested this. No Luck with pregnancy. Male sim I used the science career since that helped with getting abducted and never got pregnant. I tried many times and no luck. I think it is a bug.
June 2023
Since it seems like a fair few people are having this issue, if you play an unmodded game it would be helpful to attach/paste in your lastException.txt files, because they do indicate that this is a bug, and not an issue with the game balance or just random bad luck. You can find the lastException.txt files in your game files (the ones generally under documents/sims 4, not the install files). They will be dated according to when the bug occurred, so you may want to reproduce the bug to make sure you get an accurate one.
June 2023
June 2023
I've had a male Sim abducted probably 20 times and no pregnancy. Working on first gen extended Not So Berry challenge and need alien baby.
June 2023
We've been discussing this in the sims forums and it appears that when the pregnancy is meant to occur, it throws an exception. Some moders figured it out. Here is the link to the exception:
June 2023
Okay in this test by MCrudd you can see near the bottom of the Exception that this sim was meant to be pregnant but got the exception! Please update us on the progress of this problem! Please???
June 2023
Does this bug need to be reported additional times? Hoping to draw EA attention to this!
June 2023
@jaegers1 wrote:Does this bug need to be reported additional times? Hoping to draw EA attention to this!
It doesn't need to be reported more than once - duplicate threads will just get merged with this one. But if you can find other people who also have this bug to post here any new info that might help, such as the steps they've tried, whether they have mods/cc, a particular combo of packs, details about the sims they've tried using e.g. the gender and orientation/pregnancy enabled settings on the sims, etc. and if you can get them to click on the "me too" button on the first post - the higher that count is, the more attention the bug will get.
I've found that posting about it in the official forums can find people who say they also have the bug, and then when you give them a link to this bug thread they usually are happy to come and click that "me too" button. Same for places like in the r/thesims subreddit on Reddit.
In my personal experience - I can't actually say whether or not I have the bug because I avoid alien abductions in the game. Whenever one of my sims gets abducted, if they show any signs of pregnancy, I usually exit without saving and reload from a previous point. I did notice though that since this bug appeared, each time one of my sims got abducted, it generated a completely new Pollination Technician to be the other parent.