June 2020
Hey All,
I started a new Eco game a day ago in the port part of Evergreen Harbor. Its a bit laggy now and then, but every time I travel to the Caboose the game crashes to the worlds select icon menu. A small text box appears tell me to relaunch the game and it provides me a with an error log number. I reselect Evergreen in the menu and I'm on the Caboose lot. But i notice a lot more lag afterward. I've done repair twice already trying to work out the problem and when tested it still crashes. More it crashes the more lag it gains. Here is number to help with diagnosing the problem -->>>109:e56fc6bb:d6fc28cf
Thanks guys.
June 2020
June 2020
I have the same problem. I have all EP and gamepacks. My sim was in the education career and lives in Evergreen Harbor. I got this error when she traveled to the bar. After she quit her job she could travel again.
June 2020
Do we know for certain that having the get famous app will fix it? It’s on sale today and I don’t mind buying it if it will fix it but don’t want to waste the money if it’s not going to work.
June 2020
I've been having these issues for about a week now since updating the game to the recent version. The only expansion pack I have is University and the Spa Day pack. I don't use any mods or cc's in my game (don't even know how to do that).
Whenever I go to play with my sim in the university housing it brings me to a page that display the e:109 error code. I can play with my other family that isn't in the university housing. If i move my sim out of the University dorm it let's me play with her.
This has been going on for a while now. Is there any updates from EA about a resolution?
June 2020 - last edited June 2020
@crinrictNot true. I do have Get Famous, and also Discover University and Eco Lifestyle. I still have the problem with the dorms, though.
June 2020
Just adding that I'm another one experiencing this issue, and it happens when I try to get a Sim to visit a university housing lot. I can get her back by going to the Windenburg map, clicking on her house, then clicking the play button on her character and it takes me to her in the university lot.
June 2020
I've had a similar problem, except its not with University. I have every pack EXCEPT Eco Living, and every time I go try to go to the Magic Realm, it gives me that error. I have done everything as described and it STILL does it...
June 2020
Good Luck
I don't work or have any association with EA. I give advice to the best of my knowledge and cannot be held responsible for any damage done to your computer/game.
Please only contact me via PM when asked to do so.
Important Threads
June 2020
I am not very good a sims but I need help having the same issue just got the pack.
I have:
base game
outdoor Retreat
City living
discover university