January 2023
So one of them did I read about this online.
i then went through to check and none of them did and it still happened.
Does turning off wants and fears stop this??
January 2023
Hi @elliefrearson do you mean that they don't have the fear of fire moodlet anymore, or that they overcame the fear and don't have the fear of fire trait anymore?
January 2023 - last edited January 2023
@elliefrearson Going to merge your thread with the fear of fire thread then. Seems that has been the cause that started triggering the too many fires for you
There re different causes which is why I asked :D
Good Luck
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Important Threads
January 2023
So how do we stop the non stop fire? If the trait is causeing the bug, how do we Fix it please?
January 2023
@c02b235c2c34a962 The by-design way to have a sim overcome the fear is to wait for a pointy thought bubble to appear in the bottom right of the "wants" area near their portrait, like this
Then do what it says in the bubble. You should get a notification about overcoming, or partially overcoming, the fear. If it says you've completely overcome the fear, the fear should no longer appear in your traits panel.
January 2023
One problem, that one fire set a fear in 3 sims. So if i cure one, wont she just get it again when i try to cure the second or third? Since each sim will need to extenguish a fire, this is basicly a death spiral. Or will the one cure keep her from getting that trait again?
February 2023 - last edited February 2023
@c02b235c2c34a962unfortunately no, one cure is not enough 🥲 rn im playing in a 7 sim household and every single of them has the fear and the fires keep happening and since i cant have all of them extinguish one fire, all of them keep getting the fear back and its an endless loop with no way out! istg once i find a way get rid of this fear im never playing with wants and fears ever again
February 2023 - last edited February 2023
I have the same issues and its driving me crazy im so close to burning all of my sims and unalive them. I read the thread and i see this is actually been open for nearly a year and its stupid its still not fixed or talked about enough!
if this is not a bug then what is it? cause im playing a family of 7 sims and all of them have this fear and the second i manage get this out of one sims, other sims decide to cook automaticly and start a fire and im back at square one,
THIS IS AN ENDLESS LOOP AND ITS DRIVING ME CRAZY! someone get this fixed or at least someone who knows how to do mods make a mod to disable the fire fear bcz for the first time this issue has nothing to with mods and once again we have to ask to mod makers to fix this bcz ea is probably not gonna acknowledge this issue
EDIT: i just find a cheat that turns off all fires in the game so im gonna try that hopefully it will work if it does ill edit this comment again!
EDIT: IT SEEMS TO WORK!!! i forgot to write the cheat so its,
fire.toggle off
u only need to type it in once so not everytime u start the game like testingcheats and ive been playing for 2 hours trying get all my sims to with fear of fire to cook they theres has not been once a fire!
and to get rid of this fear without making others get it, u can first type the testingcheats and then shift click to an empty ground and click Debug - Start Fire and then get your sims extinguish it. idk if it scared the other sims tho bcz ive been doing it outside of the house without fire alarms.
March 2023
Thanks, I'm gonna give this a try! I'm also literally going crazy with all these fires every single day, more times a day. All my Sims have a high level in cooking and gourmet.
For me it's clear this is a bug. Since I never have experienced any of this since playing Sims 4.
March 2023