Re: [NEEDS INPUT] [CL] Recipes "Normal" when Excellent is expected

by DizzyDee-K

Original Post

Re: [NEEDS INPUT] [CL] Recipes "Normal" when Excellent is expected

★★★ Pro

This only seems to randomly happen when a Celebrity with the Refined Palate trait marries a homeless Townie. If the Townie cooks a Normal group meal it can effect the whole households ability to cook Excellent meals for a short period of time. If no one cooks for a while it goes away. Yay! Dining Out!


The solution is to not have that Townie cook group meals if they're not Happy or Inspired. 


I think this is just a combination of a glitched Townie meets the Refined Palate trait bug*.


*Sims who use the Quick Be Gone potion, but continue to exhibit the removed trait.

Message 11 of 12 (430 Views)

Re: [NEEDS INPUT] [CL] Recipes "Normal" when Excellent is expected

★★★ Pro

I haven't noticed this being a problem since the last patch and IL. 

Message 12 of 12 (3,090 Views)