Executor > Debuff chances are kept from opponent's Executor turn

by akandaurov

Original Post

Accepted Solution

Executor > Debuff chances are kept from opponent's Executor turn

★★ Novice
  1. When opponent's executor goes first, uses "Breach of protocols" ability and applies all 3 debuffs - Target lock, Breach, Marked, your executor applies the same - all 3.
  2. When opponent's executor applies only Target lock and Breach, yours applies Target lock and Breach too.
  3. Opponent's executor applies Target lock only, yours applies the Target lock only as well.

This is reproduced 100% in every battle. Preconditions are r8 Piett vs r9 Piett, so the opponent's executor goes first.


Expected behavior:

Debuff apply chances (or assisted ships turn order) are re-calculated on your turn and the different amount of debuffs could be applied on target ship


Actual behavior:

Your Executor applies exactly the same debuffs on a target  as the opponent did


Message 1 of 3 (283 Views)

Accepted Solution

Re: Executor > Debuff chances are kept from opponent's Executor turn

★★ Novice

Sorry, for disturbance, somehow it started to work correctly several days ago.

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Message 3 of 3 (196 Views)

All Replies

Re: Executor > Debuff chances are kept from opponent's Executor turn

EA Live QV Team

Hi @akandaurov 


Thank you for the report. We attempted to reproduce your report but we were not able to confirm any issues on our side.

Message 2 of 3 (203 Views)

Re: Executor > Debuff chances are kept from opponent's Executor turn

★★ Novice

Sorry, for disturbance, somehow it started to work correctly several days ago.

Message 3 of 3 (197 Views)