Custom pronoun not applying - Werewolf Notifications

by MyEyeMyEye

Original Post

Custom pronoun not applying - Werewolf Notifications

[ Edited ]
★★ Novice

pronouns are they/them, having this problem in the new werewolf pack when exploring underground tunnels

Message 1 of 26 (1,944 Views)

Re: Custom pronoun not applying - Werewolf Notifications

Community Manager

Hi @MyEyeMyEye,


Thanks for the report! I've split your post from the main thread for tracking purposes. 


Message 2 of 26 (1,929 Views)

Re: The Sims 4 - Customizable Pronouns Thread.

★★★ Newbie

-They/them pronouns 

- Some of the text in the werewolf abilities use the correct pronouns in one part but the wrong ones a few words later

Message 3 of 26 (2,035 Views)

Re: The Sims 4 - Customizable Pronouns Thread.

★ Novice
  • They/Them
  • Exploring underground in the new Werewolf pack
  • There's a few errors here: "as they travels," "decided to name their," "they repeats their name"

I know it's hard to add in the singular they when you've already written so much without it, but I really appreciate that you're doing it anyway. It means so much to me as a nonbinary person and long-time fan.

Message 4 of 26 (1,973 Views)

Re: The Sims 4 - Customizable Pronouns Thread.

★ Novice
  • They/Them
  • Lycan Bond sentiment

I can't send in every single instance of incorrect pronouns because there's been a lot. From what I've seen, the bug seems to be turning many/most instances of "them" into "their" instead. Hopefully that means it will be a simple fix, but I don't know the second thing about coding.


(I do know the first thing is that the curly brackets must each have a friend or things go very badly.)

Message 5 of 26 (1,969 Views)

Re: The Sims 4 - Customizable Pronouns Thread.

★ Novice

Pronouns: They/Them

Where: Wildfangs Notice (about leadership) 


I set Rory's pronouns to They/Them but the notice is using she/her pronouns! 

Message 6 of 26 (1,887 Views)

werewolves bug

★★★ Newbie

Product: The Sims 4
Which language are you playing the game in? English
How often does the bug occur? Often (50% - 99%)
What is your current game version number?
What expansions, game packs, and stuff packs do you have installed? werewolves
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? what i did is set a feminine framed werewolf sim's pronouns as they/them, went to abilities and hovered over one of the abilities
What happens when the bug occurs? the pronouns used will mainly be she/her
What do you expect to see? the right pronouns (they/them
Have you installed any customization with the game, e.g. Custom Content or Mods? Yes
Did this issue appear after a specific patch or change you made to your system? Neutral/Not Sure 


Message 7 of 26 (2,482 Views)

Re: The Sims 4 - Customizable Pronouns Thread.

★★★ Newbie

The pronouns are all incorrect for my Sim who uses they/them pronouns in the Werewolf skill tree. I've included a screenshot below that uses she/her pronouns for the Sim, but it's doing it in the description of each trait that can be chosen with the ability points. 



Message 8 of 26 (1,869 Views)

Re: The Sims 4 - Customizable Pronouns Thread.

★★ Novice

While exploring the under ground tunnels in the Werewolf pack my sim (masculine framed and uses They/Them) was getting referred to as he. 

Message 9 of 26 (2,366 Views)

Misgendered event invitations and incorrect pronoun tense in notification boxes

★★★★★ Novice

The tense (has, have) doesn't change when using "them" in some of the werewolf progression notification text.

Sim also still get recommended for Guy's Night events at bars.

Message 10 of 26 (1,967 Views)