Custom pronoun not applying - Career Notifications

by asgoreagenda

Original Post

Re: The Sims 4 - Customizable Pronouns Thread.

Community Manager
Hi @Andusarus,

Would you attach a screenshot of those notifications for me please?


Message 11 of 97 (2,188 Views)

Re: The Sims 4 - Customizable Pronouns Thread.

★★★ Newbie

sure thing!

Message 12 of 97 (2,175 Views)

Re: The Sims 4 - Customizable Pronouns Thread.

★★★ Newbie

My sim is using they/them pronouns and the grammar for sentences like "Who cares if they don't remember signing a release form" (like in the provided screenshot from the Dream Home Decorator pack) seems to be incorrect. I'm not sure how many of the popups are like this, but I know for sure this is one of them.

Message 13 of 97 (2,674 Views)

Re: The Sims 4 - Customizable Pronouns Thread.

★★★★★ Newbie

i have a sim with they/them pronouns set but noticed in notifications it is showing up saying she/her

Message 14 of 97 (2,475 Views)

Re: The Sims 4 - Customizable Pronouns Thread.

★★★ Newbie

the sims pronouns are set to they/them, yet they get misgendered in all of their notifications

Message 15 of 97 (2,143 Views)

Re: The Sims 4 - Customizable Pronouns Thread.

@liaexistnt Did you double check in CAS if maybe the selection reset for any reason ?

Good Luck


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Message 16 of 97 (2,142 Views)

Re: The Sims 4 - Customizable Pronouns Thread.

★★★ Newbie

Sim is using they/them pronouns and the work pop up states "they should wrap up what they is doing" before work ends in an hour

Message 17 of 97 (2,122 Views)

Re: The Sims 4 - Customizable Pronouns Thread.

★★ Novice

I found a couple of issues with the business career. Pronouns are applied incorrectly (they/them) and there is gendered language. Thank you for you help!


Pronouns: They/them

Application: Grammatical errors and gendered language (woman)

Screenshot below



Message 18 of 97 (2,417 Views)

Re: The Sims 4 - Customizable Pronouns Thread.

★ Novice

I gave my sim they/them pronouns and notifications keep referring to them as she/her.

Message 19 of 97 (2,371 Views)

Re: The Sims 4 - Customizable Pronouns Thread.

★★★ Newbie

My sim is using they/them pronouns. There are several instances where the pronouns are consistently not applied correctly--"[Sim] swiped something while they was at work" etc., but that's not the main issue. It seems like it's mostly related to their career where I see incorrect pronouns used (she/her). The same format was used for the freelance op-ed pop-up while at work in the fashion career, but used different pronouns the second time I got it even though my sim's selected pronouns remained the same.

Message 20 of 97 (2,259 Views)