Crash in first battle of GAC did not reward 10 'participation' banners

by OrionSmuggler

Original Post

Crash in first battle of GAC did not reward 10 'participation' banners

★★★★ Novice

Product: Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes
Platform:Android Phone
What type of device are you experiencing the issue with? moro e5 cruise
OS Version 8.0.0
Ally Code: (Find it here: ) 175-661-587
What type of issue do you have? Missing Rewards
How often does the bug occur? Rarely (0% - 9%)
Summarize your bug Hi, My app crashes all the time. I understand that is because my phone is old, so I live with it. Today, my phone crashed in GAC. I entered into battle against a Bossk team using CLS with a Light Side Datacron to guarantee I would get my full banners. The app immediately crashed after loading the battle. When I loaded back into the app, it had recorded that I had failed a battle against the Bossk team, but I was not awarded the 10 banners for attempting your first battle of the round. Just thought I would report that the game isn't giving out the first attempted battle 10 banners if you lose because of a crash. I have included a screenshot of the result.
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? I don't know. I have had my app crash before in a battle and still gotten my 10 banners for my first attempt. I haven't seen this before, which is why I am reporting it. You can see the result of the bug below, or if you peak behind the curtain at my ongoing GAC match.
Connection Type Wifi
Please select your region North America
Country USA


The crash didn't happen on BlueStacks, but I have BlueStacks so I can do guild events without them crashing, harming the guild, and not just me.

The screenshot is from BlueStacks.

You can see that I have 0 Banners at the top, despite there being 1 battle listed next to the Bossk team.


Message 1 of 2 (270 Views)

Re: Crash in first battle of GAC did not reward 10 'participation' banners

EA Live QV Team

Hello @OrionSmuggler 


Thanks for the report. You will need to complete the next battle to earn the first attack banners. Due to the crash, your battle progress could not be saved. You will need to start a new battle and finish it to save the progress. Afterwards, you should get the first attack banners for the previous crashed battle.

Message 2 of 2 (230 Views)