April 2020 - last edited April 2020 by crinrict
I couldn't find a collection thread for Swedish translation errors, please tell me if there is one.
Anyway, the translation error is when you interrogate with a suspect. It says "verkar misstänkt" (see picture below), but I'm pretty sure that it's meant to be "verkar misstänksam"
"Misstänkt" means "suspect", which makes the sentence "verkar misstänkt" meaning "seems to be a suspect". The thing is that we already know that the sim is a suspect, and all the other things that can come up are feelings, such as "verkar vänlig" ("seems friendly"). The sentence "verkar misstänksam" means "seems suspicious" (as in the feeling of being suspicious about something), which would be the correct translation.
April 2020
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Important Threads
April 2020 - last edited April 2020
Translation error: In CAS the bottoms are called "Underdelar" (literally "under parts") in the Swedish translation, but bottoms are "Nederdelar" (literally "nether parts") in Swedish. "Underdelar" is something you wear under your other clothes, for example underpants or if you have a tank top under a shirt.
May 2020 - last edited May 2020
I guess I continue to write in English is this thread, so that not only Swedes can understand but also the mods/admins/heroes.
Picture of hot dogs. The text says "Varma korvar", literally "warm sausages", but this is not a correct translation. Grilled hot dogs are called "grillkorv", literally "grill-sausage", in Swedish. There's no such expression as "varma korvar", you can say "varmkorv", literally "warm-sausage", but that refers to either boiled hot dogs or just non-cooked hot dog type of sausage. Though it may seem weird to say "grillkorv" in sigular, plural would actually be "grillkorvar", it is correct to use singular here because we're talking about the dish, not the hot dogs themselves. It doesn't matter if it's one or several hot dogs on the plate, it's still "grillkorv" in singular in the case of the dish.
May 2020
These two loading screen texts:
"Letar du efter ett snabbt sätt att byta känslor? Pröva en personlig bryggare från Temagi." ("Are you looking for a fast way to change emotions? Test a personal brewer from Tea-Magic.")
"Gillar du muffins? Vi också! Pröva att laga några med muffinsfabriken." ("Do you like [cupcakes/muffins]? We too! Test to make some with the Muffin-Factory.")
It should be "prova" not "pröva". Those two words aren't interchangeable even though it might sound like it. "Pröva" is used for example when you want to check that something works, think of the related word "prövning" ("trial"). "Pröva" is closer related to "prove" or "test" than to "try". "Prova" simply means to try something. A rule of thumb is that you "provar" ("are trying") objects and you "prövar" ("are testing") activities, in Swedish. In these sentences you provar the tea-maker and you provar the cupcake-factory, you don't prövar them as activities, you provar them as objects, and you don't prövar if they work, you provar them to see what they do.
May 2020 - last edited July 2022
The proper job title is "Läkare" (Medical Doctor) or "Vårdpersonal" (Medical Professional) in Swedish. "Doktor" is indeed used, but it's not the title of the job/career. To use "Doktor" for a Medical Doctor is slang. An actual doktor is someone with a PhD degree.
May 2020 - last edited July 2022
The English term "video game" isn't equivalent to "TV-spel". TV-spel are console video games that aren't portable, it literally means TV-game(s), basically it's a console game on a big screen. Other Swedish words for video games are datorspel (computer games(s)), konsollspel (console game(s), which excludes computer games and cellphone games, but includes things like handheld console games), mobilspel (cellphone games) and videospel. Videospel is used very rarely, Swedes tend to specify which type of video game they're talking about, nevertheless "videospel" is the best translation for the video game skill in TS4.
May 2020
I'm pretty sure it should be "självsäker" (self-assured), as in the trait, not "självmedveten" (self-consious).
May 2020
Valerian is called vänderot in Swedish, not vändelrot, the L shouldn't be there.
August 2020 - last edited April
There are mistranslations of "granddaughter" and "grandson". In Swedish there are no words exactly meaning "granddaughter" or "grandson", but we have a word for grandchild, it's "barnbarn". This picture shows the translation of "granddaughter". "Sondotter/Dotterdotter" means "son-daughter/daughter-daughter", and you CAN say it like that if you want to be very specific, but it sounds too specific in this case, because normally you say "barnbarn" for any grandchild. The thing is that they're trying to be specific here, because in English it says "Granddaughter", but since we don't have a word in-between grandchild and son-daughter/daughter-daughter/son-son/daughter-son it just looks stilly.
So, every "granddaughter" and "grandson" have to be translated into "barnbarn" instead, because this just looks silly.