2014-09-13 03:17 AM - last edited July 2016 by crinrict
There is a lot of terrible word in game, that made us hard to do the mission. Some word are really funny, but no one know what it for.
Here have some suggest, hope EA can change in next update.
***[English]→[Wrong Chinese]→[Suggest]***
Fire→火(it mean burn someone?)→開除
ask about day→詢問星期幾→詢問今天過得怎麼樣
make a toast→烹煮吐司→敬酒
peed self→挫尿(Only taiwan people know)→尿褲子
Foundation height→基金會高原→地基高度
cooling down→冷卻→冷靜下來
caught copying→模仿被抓→被抓個正著
heckled on stage→在舞臺上鬧場→下不了臺
Inspired by Reference→受推薦人啟發→得到啟發
steel bladder→金剛膀胱(Do you mean King Kong?)→鋼鐵膀胱
***Some words i dont know in english***
塞火雞填料賺錢(why is turkey?)→瘋狂賺錢
書寫...烹飪書→書寫...食譜(casuse there have a mission need to write recipe, but computer only show cookbook)
[Buy mode]
無量創意活動桌→無量創意遊戲桌(mission needs to buy a game table, it really hard to find when the name is different)
好戲上桌(Is this a gag?)→卡牌遊戲桌
激勵人心的裝潢(Sims3 gift)→激發創意的裝潢
自動計數器: **放置已開啟**→**設置已開啟**
示愛(To kids)→表達愛護
2014-09-16 08:35 AM
Also please add a setting that player can change Last name and First name, like sometime i download a sim from origin, and the name change to BieberJustin, that is terrble.
And if okay please add more more more more random names, those NPC are in same name. mileyembarrassed:
2014-09-16 10:26 AM
@GiveMeOneShot Moved to bug forum and linked.
Here's how to change names: http://sims4.crinrict.com/en/2014/09/change-sims-name-and-traits/
Good Luck
I don't work or have any association with EA. I give advice to the best of my knowledge and cannot be held responsible for any damage done to your computer/game.
Please only contact me via PM when asked to do so.
Important Threads
2014-11-10 05:58 AM
Rhapsodize about Piano Sonatas ->對鋼琴奏鳴曲作狂想曲->癡迷於鋼琴奏鳴曲
P.S. I don't believe the translator knows the meaning of his/her translation.
His next shift is->他的下一個值班時間是->他下次上班的時間是
2014-11-10 07:29 AM
Thank you
Good Luck
I don't work or have any association with EA. I give advice to the best of my knowledge and cannot be held responsible for any damage done to your computer/game.
Please only contact me via PM when asked to do so.
Important Threads
2014-11-10 04:16 PM
This is from the interaction of HiFi system
2014-11-13 02:47 PM
Spray a Plant->為一株植物噴水->為一株植物噴蟲
2014-11-15 08:17 AM
In Guitar's interaction:
December 2014
In the cooking whim:
Stir Fry->炒菜->快炒雞肉
January 2015
Cook a Gourmet Meal -> 煮一頓佳餚 -> 煮一頓米其林菜餚