July 2020 - last edited July 2020
Product: The Sims Mobile
Platform:Apple iPad
List the specific devices you play with (e.g. iPhone 6s Plus, Samsung Galaxy S7) iPad Pro
OS Version 13.5.1
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? I have screenshots
What do you expect to see? I expect to be able to play the game but I am unable to do anything as it is telling me to go to market place
Connection Type Wifi
Please select your region Australia
Country Australia
Every time I open the app and try to play it tells me to go to market place and won’t let me click on anything else
I follow the prompts but to unlock market place you need to be level 15 which I am not yet
for some reason it is not letting me do anything until I unlock market place
which I cannot do ... because I am not level 15.. and I cannot get to level 15 until I unlock market place ...?
July 2020
The easiest way to fix this problem is to delete the game app from your device and start a new fresh game from level 1.