Re: Bounty Hunter quest 4 of 7 (Zam) did not register completion of Tier IV of G

by gunnymeden

Original Post

Bounty Hunter quest 4 of 7 (Zam) did not register completion of Tier IV of GB2

[ Edited ]
★★★★★ Novice

Product: Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes
Platform:Android Phone
What type of device are you experiencing the issue with? Android Phone
OS Version 8.1
Ally Code: (Find it here: ) 868-893-665
What type of issue do you have? Missing Rewards
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
Summarize your bug Bounty Hunter quest 4 of 7 (Zam): Bounty Hunter Training: "Complete Galactic Bounty event tier IV" did not register for me as "done" after completing the "Fulcrum" tier (IV) twice (!) in Galactic Bounties II. The quest description does not specify I or II should be done, so it is a bug either way. Either you should allow completion of the item in either GB I or GB II, or the description of the prestigious quest should be updated. I was so hoping to be able to move to 5 of 7 after today's GB II event, but disappointingly it did not work, especially after a very long hiatus of GBs in the calendar....
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Do GBII Tier IV for Zam's quest
Connection Type Wifi
Please select your region North America
Country Canada


Message 1 of 5 (655 Views)

Re: Bounty Hunter quest 4 of 7 (Zam) did not register completion of Tier IV of G

★★★★★ Novice
Any feedback on this when can it be fixed? Also, when is the next GB event coming up?
Message 2 of 5 (581 Views)

Re: Bounty Hunter quest 4 of 7 (Zam) did not register completion of Tier IV of G

[ Edited ]
★★★★★ Novice

OK, so GB I came in and passed by recently. I did complete the quest part in question. So the bug is really in description and GB II cannot be used in the quest as given. Proper description would be "Complete Galactic Bounties I event tier IV"

Message 3 of 5 (541 Views)

Re: Bounty Hunter quest 4 of 7 (Zam) did not register completion of Tier IV of G

@gunnymeden I think the quest rolled out when there was only one Galactic Bounty. I definitely agree the description should be updated.
I am a volunteer on this forum, and not an employee of EA or CG. Please let me know how I can help you!
Message 4 of 5 (528 Views)

Re: Bounty Hunter quest 4 of 7 (Zam) did not register completion of Tier IV of G

★ Guide

I hope this bug isn't fixed in the near term.


The first GBII event was on 2018-08-24, which means in a ~month from now, I get to celebrate the TWO YEAR anniversary of this bug!


Bounty Hunter Quest 4/7, Complete Galactic Bounty event tier IV. This quest only can be completed by beating tier 4 of the Galactic Bounty I event, not the Galactic Bounty II event. The quest's description does not mention I or II so the description is vague because of this. Do you (CG) ever have any plans to fix this bug by either updating the description to reflect "Galactic Bounty I event" or making any GB event applicable? I think adding an "I" after the word "event" would surely be far simpler.

Message 5 of 5 (474 Views)