[BY DESIGN] Age groups start with random days added from CAS/Gallery

by IrisGottaBelieve

Original Post

Re: [OPEN] Age groups start with random days added

EA Sims Team

Hello @MapleSimmer 


I've been told that there is no true concept of "Twins" in CAS.  There is the "Randomize Twin" button in Genetics, but that is only for physical features and not for birthdates.  However, if your Sim siblings have different birthdates, you can fix that by manually aging them up with birthday cake(s) on the same day.  They will then have the same birthday from then on out.

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Message 91 of 111 (1,072 Views)

Re: [OPEN] Age groups start with random days added

[ Edited ]
★★★★★ Pro

@SimQARobo Thank you for letting me know that.  I am sorry to hear that there are no true twins as I made them twins because I was trying to avoid them having different ages since I'm not a fan of the random days being added in CAS, even though I know it's by design.  I agree using a birthday cake is indeed an option, it does mean they will be older than I want them to be since I created them at the age I wanted, not the age below what I wanted them to be.  Also, one pair are toddlers, so unfortunately there is no option to create them younger than toddlers.  I can have the young adult twins take the youth potion from the room Euphorial Queen uploaded on the gallery, but as I mentioned, the other pair are toddlers, so that's not an option for them.  Luckily neither of these were for a challenge household, since that's where having random days added can be a bigger problem.  I would prefer not to put a big mod like MCCC in my game just to avoid having random days being added, but I may have to reconsider that if I want to avoid it.  As I mentioned in a previous post, it would be great if there was a toggle, just like MCCC has, to either enable or disable the random days being added when creating sims, though I realize it might not be as simple to add as it is for a modder to add.


Thanks again


Message 92 of 111 (1,055 Views)

Re: [OPEN] Age groups start with random days added

EA Sims Team



You can keep them as Toddlers and then age them up on the same day whenever you want them to age up.


That said, your feedback is noted Standard smile .

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Message 93 of 111 (1,047 Views)

Re: [OPEN] Age groups start with random days added

[ Edited ]
★★★★★ Guide

@SimGuruNick wrote:

I'm being told this issue is by design, it was purposefully changed when we fixed this issue: https://answers.ea.com/t5/Bug-Reports/FIXED-S-Twin-toddlers-children-don-t-have-birthday-on-the-same...


The design is that we have randomized ages so that Sims don't all end up having the same birthday when coming out of CAS. 

So it was indeed intentional? Thanks for the info. Standard smile (And I just noticed while writing this that you said this a month ago... ^_^; )


@MapleSimmer : You could try Scarlet's standalone mod for that (do an online search for "scarlet aging fix"), if that's all you want. Standard smile

Message 94 of 111 (1,037 Views)

Re: [OPEN] Age groups start with random days added

★★★★★ Pro

@StarryMightThanks! I had heard there was a stand alone mod, but the old tweet I found about it had a link that didn’t work and seemed to refer to the original issue vs this one. Your suggestion was helpful so I was able to find a working link, so I’ll have to try that. 😊


Thanks again!


Message 95 of 111 (1,023 Views)

Re: [OPEN] Age groups start with random days added

Champion (Retired)

@crinrict wrote:

I remember a few saying that random numbers days were also added on aging.


Can anyone confirm to me that is still happening to them (aka, no CAS involved but aging through cake or by the game).


If that's the case for you, does it happen for 


  • Played Sims
  • Active Sims
  • NPCs ?



If it happens for Sims on AGING (not if you place them from CAS or the Gallery), please create a new thread. As Nick stated above, the random days added are by design.



I echo the reply from @MapleSimmer 
I have only ever seen the days added when newly created Sims are placed direct from CAS.
Birthday Cake and forgotten birthdays start at the beginning of the stage with the full amount of days available.
That would apply to both played and active Sims. I really cannot tell about NPC's though since only their current stage (teen, ys, adult etc) is shown with their name.

I have noticed a few immortal /not vampire/ Sims in the not in world population.
Baby Ariel (Fet Famous) is the most notable as she seems to be perpetually a teenager,

EQ Avid Sims Player
I do not work for EA but I do volunteer at AnswersHQ to help others with their game issues.
EAGameChanger - The Sims 4 Gallery Creator
Gallery Tag: #EQCreations
Message 96 of 111 (1,022 Views)

Re: [OPEN] Age groups start with random days added

★★★★★ Guide

@MapleSimmer wrote:

@StarryMightThanks! I had heard there was a stand alone mod, but the old tweet I found about it had a link that didn’t work and seemed to refer to the original issue vs this one. Your suggestion was helpful so I was able to find a working link, so I’ll have to try that. 😊


Thanks again!


You're welcome! ^_^

Message 97 of 111 (1,015 Views)

Re: [OPEN] Age groups start with random days added

[ Edited ]
Champion (Retired)

@SimQARobo wrote:



You can keep them as Toddlers and then age them up on the same day whenever you want them to age up.


That said, your feedback is noted Standard smile .

Toddlers are cute and adorable and do the sweetest things and I am okay with them only being toddlers for 7 days.

When toddlers were first added to the game myself and a couple others created toddler challenges.

The challenge requires a single Sim to raise 7 toddlers.  It is a race against time to train all 7 and have their birthdays on the 7th day.

The only way that I can tell to keep Sims in the toddler stage (especially if they are to be same age twins) would be either to speed up the training/learning stage or play with aging off
Just adding my voice to the feedback Heart


EQ Avid Sims Player
I do not work for EA but I do volunteer at AnswersHQ to help others with their game issues.
EAGameChanger - The Sims 4 Gallery Creator
Gallery Tag: #EQCreations
Message 98 of 111 (1,010 Views)

Re: [OPEN] Age groups start with random days added

★ Guide

I'm ok with random days added. But I don't know if its bugged or something. I have used MCCC to change the days on teens and young adults to 200 resp 150. But lately, the teens I create in CAS always start with about 11 days left to age up and this force me to cheat to give them them points to buy the youth potion. And its pretty much the same with YA and Adults too. And adults have standard days, but always start with an almost full agebar. It pretty much destroy the game to only have a few simdays left until a sim becomes elder.

Message 99 of 111 (928 Views)

Re: [OPEN] Age groups start with random days added

★★★★★ Apprentice

I'm having the same problem. 


I also have sims I've downloaded from the gallery to add as townies who will auto age to the next life stage as soon as I unpause the game. I want the whole town to age normally, not like this. I've had to make them one stage younger in CAS knowing they will auto age as soon as I start playing. Which makes creating families pretty difficult. 

Message 100 of 111 (887 Views)