[ARCHIVE] Gallery notification list not showing

by SilverWolf0130

Original Post

Re: [CURRENT ISSUE] Gallery notification list not showing

★★★ Novice

Since I have Better Exceptions in my game it actually sent me a report to erase (notify.globe) in my Sims 4 folder.

Message 131 of 134 (1,513 Views)

Re: [CURRENT ISSUE] Gallery notification list not showing

★★★ Novice

I'm still having this issue. Removing notify.glob did not help.

Message 132 of 134 (1,492 Views)

Re: [CURRENT ISSUE] Gallery notification list not showing

★ Novice

deleting it doesnt solve it for me i still get the exception no matter what just loading the game up or playing normally 

Message 133 of 134 (1,444 Views)

Re: [CURRENT ISSUE] Gallery notification list not showing


Archiving this thread as with the newest patch, the notifications were disabled until further notice.


Once notifications go back up and there's still an issue, a new thread will be required.


Good Luck


I don't work or have any association with EA. I give advice to the best of my knowledge and cannot be held responsible for any damage done to your computer/game.
Please only contact me via PM when asked to do so.

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Message 134 of 134 (3,725 Views)