Re: bring back Frontlines

by 0zymandias98

Original Post

bring back Frontlines

★ Novice

so dice, instead of fixing bfv and do what most of the community like to see you just destroy the game 
i couldn't understand why you removed Frontlines gamemode and yeah i saw your answers about that but i still can't
understand your logic , i mean WHAT THE HELL are you doing dice , if i have another multiplayer game i will definitely
uninstall yours, but unfortunately i don't

Message 1 of 5 (495 Views)

Re: bring back Frontlines

Frontlines is still a major part of Grand Operations - still plenty of matches in the browser

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Don't be sad, this is just how it works out sometimes
Message 2 of 5 (487 Views)

Re: bring back Frontlines

[ Edited ]
★ Novice

@TTZ_DipsyI'm talking about Frontlines 32 -
and where are those plenty servers you talking about,
Grand Operations just have like 2 servers all the day and they are not even filled up or you talking about Frontlines it self which is only in pathetic community games

Message 3 of 5 (482 Views)

Re: bring back Frontlines

@0zymandias98 Unfortunately Frontlines was changed to a temporary mode a while back, based on popularity. It may come up every now and again with the weekly ToW missions, but other than that I think it'd just be the Grand Ops version or hoping you can find Community Games matches.

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AHQ Guardian - Volunteer Moderator

Message 4 of 5 (461 Views)

Re: bring back Frontlines

[ Edited ]
★★★ Guide

@0zymandias98you can create a Frontlines game in Community Games anytime. We play Frontlinesi game mode exclusively just about every night around 6:00 pm Central time. It always fills up to the max. I hope this helps.

PS Frontline is my favorite mode as well!

Message 5 of 5 (455 Views)