Steam Origin Games not launching

by doctorquest_315

Original Post

Steam Origin Games not launching

★★★ Novice

When I try to launch BFV on steam it will start the launch process, but will never actually launch. Tried reinstalling origin to no avail. Any ideas?

Message 1 of 4 (467 Views)

Re: Steam Origin Games not launching

★★ Pro
@doctorquest_315 The first thing you should try is to verify the game files and try launching the game again.
If this doesn´t help, your problem sounds like the one another forum member had as well (
He fixed that problem by moving the gamefolder to a different harddrive (maybe a different installation folder would be sufficient as well), restarting the pc and verifying the game files.
Message 2 of 4 (440 Views)

Re: Steam Origin Games not launching

★★★ Novice

I'll give that a shot, I also got ea play through the Xbox game pass and gave that a shot and it does the same exact thing

Message 3 of 4 (423 Views)

Re: Steam Origin Games not launching

★★★ Novice

Now I got ea play through origin and it still wont launch

Message 4 of 4 (417 Views)