Battlefield V FAQ

by ElliotLH

Original Post

Battlefield V FAQ

[ Edited ]



1 - Anti-Cheat

2 - Item Acquisition 

3 - Other/Miscellaneous




How are you trying to combat the problem?

A lot of work is being done to curb the number of cheaters/hackers out there... like, a LOT, but it seems like for every account actioned, another two seemingly take their place. The team understands your frustration but asks for your patience in the matter. EA can't really discuss the exact steps they're taking to stop the problem since it could make it easier for the cheaters to take advantage of the situation. Every day accounts are being actioned, it's just unfortunate that we as players don't really notice it on our end. 

Reports are investigated on a first-come, first-served basis so it's only natural for some users to feel like it takes forever for a specific person to get banned - This is why the team urges you to spectate the players in question and gather hard evidence to nail them with; doing nothing because you feel like it is pointless won't help anyone in the long run.

Please give this post a read for more info: Our Anti-Cheat Approach in Battlefield V 

Why can't we discuss cheating? Why are posts getting locked?

These types of posts almost always devolve in to an echo chamber of toxicity with people yelling and not being very constructive. The team completely understands the frustration, but it is against site rules to openly discuss this and they are forced to lock it - you're not being censored.

If you’d like to read over the site rules you can find them here: User Rules & Guidelines

"X person is cheating, ban them!"

"Name and Shame" is against site rules and posts will be edited/locked as the team sees fit. There is potential for legal issues to arise from such actions revolving around (but not limited to) defamation and issues that could impact both EA and you. It's highly advised to report suspected cheaters via proper channels.

You can report suspected cheaters as described here: Report Players for Cheating, Abuse & Harassment



Item Acquisition

Why am I not earning Company Coin?

This is a legacy bug that just keeps creeping back into the game, for whatever reason. It is highly recommended to play another full round and/or earn another rank, and you must also wait for the next round to begin before leaving; usually the servers will resync and reward your coins. If it has been a while and you still haven't received anything, try contacting an EA Game Advisor for more assistance (see links below). If you do decide to reach out to EA Help it is recommended that you know the amount of Company Coin you are missing. 

** note for Definitive Edition players - There is an added bug seemingly tied to this specific edition of the game; multiple users have reported needing to reach player rank 21+ before starting to receive their level up coins - this could be due to the fact this version gives you items normally needing to be purchased with CC first. You would still be able to earn daily and weekly challenge CC as normal.

I didn't receive X assignment/weapon/skin/etc

Please complete the following actions

- Try power cycling your equipment (full shutdown of console/PC, unplugged for ~2 minutes, restart your router).
- Some items appear in your Armory, please check it out.
- Play another full match and/or earn another player rank. Remember that you will need to wait for the next round to begin before leaving the match.
- Completing a round of Combined Arms has been known to work, give it a try.

Did none of that work? Please contact an EA Game Advisor for more assistance in the matter.

Weekly coin rewards - Why haven't I received CC/BFC?

- Battlefield V weekly coin rewards are on a bi-weekly rotation, meaning one week you'll be rewarded with 1,000 [one thousand] Company Coins (CC), and the next you'll receive 100 [one hundred] Battlefield Coins (BFC/"Boins"). Please be sure to scroll over the tile to see what you should be getting. A golden vault image means you'll be getting CC while a purple image notes a Boins reward.


Company Coin Reward - 




Battlefield Coins Reward - 






New player here - Any tips?

Be sure to check out ISterlingArcher's great strategy and settings guides to get the most out of Battlefield V!

Battlefield V Tips, Part I: Strategy 
Battlefield V Tips, Part II: Settings 


Also, don't be afraid to create a topic to ask for help if you can't see the information you need. It is, however, recommended to try the search function first of all.

I can't connect online, help!

Please check this connection troubleshooting guide:

- If resetting the game doesn't work, try power cycling your equipment (fully shut down your console/PC and leave it unplugged for ~2 minutes, then restart your router).
- It's highly recommended to use a wired connection; if you are unable to go wired, a powerline adapter will be your next best alternative.
- Be sure to open all EA ports and brush up on how to run a UO Trace in case you need to speak with an EA Game Advisor (information will be made available in the link above).

I have a regular/deluxe edition of BFV, can I upgrade to Definitive?

Yes, you can upgrade any version from in-game and via your platform store. You will receive all the extra goodies marked here:

What happened to the old forums?

The old forums have been merged with Answers HQ to make things easier for all users and staff. As some of you have noticed, only Champion and Hero ranks will be able to utilize custom avatars - the team is discussing ways to reward long time members of the old guard so to speak but there is no ETA, nor is anything officially set in stone - please bear with us during the transition.

Why does BFV say I'm still a trial player?

This is an incredibly complex issue and it may not be a bug which can ever be squashed entirely. Usually it's only Xbox players who are affected by this issue, and it's definitely worth reaching out to Xbox Live support in these instances. They would be able to remove the trial status from your Xbox account.



The majority of this FAQ was kindly written by @TTZ_Dipsy 

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AHQ Guardian - Volunteer Moderator
Message 1 of 36 (26,892 Views)

Re: Battlefield V FAQ

★★★ Newbie

Hi I long time ago bought DVD Battlefield V but I got bored so I uninstalled the game and now I want to play it again but when I want to install it from DVD it says the code has been already used and I cant find the game on any of my EA accounts in library anyone know what to do?


Message 2 of 36 (25,767 Views)

Re: Battlefield V FAQ


Hey, @gormen9903  when it comes to Account issues, it's not something we can help with on the forums, and you need to reach out to our game advisors on EA support.

How to get in contact with EA support:


Message 3 of 36 (25,677 Views)

Re: Battlefield V FAQ

★★★ Newbie
@EA_Atic я даже не знаю
Message 4 of 36 (25,645 Views)

Re: Battlefield V FAQ

★★★ Newbie

Это да


Message 5 of 36 (25,640 Views)

Re: Battlefield V FAQ

[ Edited ]
★★ Apprentice

How come and the how-to for an squad leader, of how to kick out from squad, an problematic player, this always missing as Tip?


I am driving an armored tank, and a spoiled kid likes to play with the vehicle machine-gun all times, the position of the vehicle gets known to all enemies right away.


Message 6 of 36 (25,143 Views)

Re: Battlefield V FAQ

@AX-1_THE_GREEK It's not possible to kick someone out of a vehicle, just from the squad itself. If you're squad leader, you'd just need to open "Squads" from the game menu, highlight the player name and select the kick option. However, this wouldn't help with your example as they'd still be shooting and just wouldn't be in your squad any longer.

Usually it's best to use squad comms to politely ask them to stop or send a DM (if you're on PC there's also the chat box of course).

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AHQ Guardian - Volunteer Moderator
Message 7 of 36 (25,135 Views)

Re: Battlefield V FAQ

[ Edited ]
★★ Apprentice


Game menu ?

An screenshot will be nice ...  Thanks

Message 8 of 36 (25,120 Views)

Re: Battlefield V FAQ

@AX-1_THE_GREEK Not currently possible as I'm nowhere near my Xbox unfortunately. Best I can do are these two steps:

- Press the start/pause button during a match.
- Select the third option down to access squads.

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AHQ Guardian - Volunteer Moderator
Message 9 of 36 (25,111 Views)

Re: Battlefield V FAQ

★★ Apprentice
@ElliotLH I am still unable to find this option at my PC version, of the game. BF quick users guide, does mention game menu for Xbox only.
Message 10 of 36 (25,087 Views)