Battlefield 5 won't let me play - no pings showing

by Bojeff

Original Post

Battlefield 5 won't let me play - no pings showing

★★ Novice

Tried to enter the game Battlefield 5.  Went to servers and there are no pings at all.  I select one and it gives me the following error:"network bandwidth and/or network latency may not meet the requirements of the game".  I don't know what happened.  I've been playing this game for years. I tried a repair of the game and nothing changed  Thank you for your time.

Message 1 of 7 (411 Views)

Re: Battlefield 5 won't let me play - no pings showing

Hi @Bojeff That sounds like a connection issue. Have you checked your network settings are whether there are any issues with your ISP in your area?

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AHQ Guardian - Volunteer Moderator

Message 2 of 7 (392 Views)

Re: Battlefield 5 won't let me play - no pings showing

★★ Novice

I went into Battlelfield 4 and had no issues with ping.  Games were available.

Message 3 of 7 (371 Views)

Re: Battlefield 5 won't let me play - no pings showing

★★ Novice
@ElliotLH Went into Battlefield 4 and no issues with ping. Games are available. What can I tweak if anything?
Message 4 of 7 (333 Views)

Re: Battlefield 5 won't let me play - no pings showing

@Bojeff It might be worth trying the things in the connection guides, hopefully something there will help, although you might have tried some of them already.

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AHQ Guardian - Volunteer Moderator

Message 5 of 7 (327 Views)

Re: Battlefield 5 won't let me play - no pings showing

★★ Novice
@ElliotLH Working now - tried repair three times. On the 3rd time it worked. Asked me to restart the game - did that and my pings came back!!!
Message 6 of 7 (277 Views)

Re: Battlefield 5 won't let me play - no pings showing

@Bojeff That's really good to hear. Shame it didn't work the first time, but at least it got there in the end.

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AHQ Guardian - Volunteer Moderator

Message 7 of 7 (274 Views)