Battlefield Briefing: Welcome to 2042

by Straatford87

Original Post

Re: Discussion Thread - Battlefield Briefing: Welcome to 2042

★★★★ Novice



I'm french so i'm sorry for my english.


I and many people, thinks the system of specialist is a really bad idea... the classic system of class is perfect and players knows and appreciate since Battlefield bad company 1...

If any specialist can equip any sort of gadget and weapon, class doesn't exist. if a medic specialist can have a sniper, a rocket launcher and a medix crate, why i would play assault or recon ??


We know you want to make the best battlefield ever, and you make many references of Battlefield 3 or 4. So PLEASE use the classic system of class !


sniper for recon 

rocket launcher for enginneer

LMG and ammo for support

health crate for medic


you have to make class unique, and have their own identity...


In battlefield, we play a annonymous soldier equal to the anonymous soldier against us.. that the spirit of Battlefield ! 


Your system of specilaist look nice for battle royale game, but not for the battlefield multyplayer experience...


Please ask, read, listen the opinion of your loyal communauty !


Message 21 of 154 (4,151 Views)

Re: Discussion Thread - Battlefield Briefing: Welcome to 2042

★★ Apprentice

All I’d like to know is if the BF team looked at IR on vehicles at all and made any changes. In BF4, vehicles were a pain to fight or just hide from cause they could spot you easily. You did give us the one thermal camo towards the end of content support, and personally, it made a difference. A friend and I were hoping that maybe you guys were looking at a gadget or specialist who countered IR. My friend would like it removed. Id be fine with thermal camo as an option in our gadget or grenade slot. If it was built into the camos, I figured it would be the must have equip. Everyone would have it on. As a gadget or the like, youd have to choose to either be less likely to be spotted at the cost of your tactical or rpg.


Again just wanted to maybe find out if you guys looked at this at all. Thank you for reading.

Message 22 of 154 (4,136 Views)

Betreff: Discussion Thread - Battlefield Briefing: Welcome to 2042

★★★ Novice

I really like what we have seen so far. The Trailers looked amazing, really well done guys. Not having classes in the way we had them before sounds like a huge change. Some people are complaining about it already but maybe we should wait and try it out first, while also be excited for bigger changes. Definitely excited to see tanks dropping on the Battlefield. Thanks to all the devs for the work. 

Message 23 of 154 (4,136 Views)

Re: Discussion Thread - Battlefield Briefing: Welcome to 2042

★ Pro

I am disappoint that we don't have a naval map out of what appears to the initial maps. 


I have few concerns. 

- Is there a commander? If so do they or squad leader still have call in like supply drop or artillery. 

- Do teams contest 1 sector at a time or multiple?

- Are Secondary part of the plus system, I have not seen anything specific just general mention of weapons.  

- That C5 as part of throwable explosives it seems to be more versatile than a frag grenade.  

- No mention of Melee are they just knifes or other type weapons? 

- I understand limits on heavy vehicles. Is there a limit or faster respawn on lighter vehicles like quads?

- Is there enemy spotting. Is it squad only or team.  

- Has there been changes to comm rose or tactical orders.  

- Will the specialist BOTs have limited AI(like follow) or will they be remote controlled like in the past?

Message 24 of 154 (4,118 Views)

Re: Discussion Thread - Battlefield Briefing: Welcome to 2042

★★★★★ Pro

@TickTack121 wrote:

@Noodlesocks wrote:

@TickTack121 wrote:

If players won't notice how important support and medics are, then you will just have to do it all by yourself. Sounds like this battlefield will screw teamplay.

To be fair, that sounds like how Battlefield is already.




Everything sounding interesting so far. I look forward to seeing proper gameplay and hope that will come in July. I'd like to know if we can still build stuff like in BF5 and if call-ins are just vehicles or if supply crates will be available too.

Do you really think that killing the one thing, that made BF unique, is a good idea? To me, this game seems more like a COD than a Battlefield. Only the huge Maps might make a difference. But the Map Design got worse with every new Part of this Series. In BFV we got huge Maps like Hamada or Al Sundan, where 50% of the map is just filled with nothing.

I am not opposed to the change simply because it used to be done a different way if that change may improve gameplay. While I have certain concerns about the new system, I can also look at it objectively and see the benefits it will bring to gameplay and team play. On the other side of that coin I can also objectively look at the old class system and see where that system was a detriment to gameplay and team play. Battlefield was never the class system and the class system was never what made Battlefield unique.

As for the comparison between CoD and Battlefield; I do not care. I am not emotionally invested in Battlefield or its legacy. It is a toy to entertain me in my free time. It will either be fun to play or it won't be.
Message 25 of 154 (4,111 Views)

Re: Discussion Thread - Battlefield Briefing: Welcome to 2042

★★★★ Novice

I hate the metro 64 players,  meatgrinding, chokepoints, michael bay experience of the latest battlefields (mostly BF1, BFV was slower and alright).
My favourite recent Battlefield games have always been 64 player maps capped at either max 48 players or 32 players, because the experience is much slower, tactical paced, with more breathing room and much more enjoyable for me.

Would it be possible for server owners to disable AI on their maps/server?

Message 26 of 154 (4,079 Views)

Re: Discussion Thread - Battlefield Briefing: Welcome to 2042

★ Apprentice
@Straatford87 Only 4 categories for weapon customization seems a bit of a step back from BFV? In BFV there was at least 7. Doesn't seem to feel like lots of customization for your weapon. Not very impressed at all.

Message 27 of 154 (4,067 Views)

Re: Discussion Thread - Battlefield Briefing: Welcome to 2042

[ Edited ]
★ Pro

Two questions @Straatford87 :

1. Why isn't split screen supported for AI bots?

2. Are bots for offline play or not?


Thank you!

Message 28 of 154 (4,050 Views)

Re: Discussion Thread - Battlefield Briefing: Welcome to 2042

[ Edited ]
★ Guide

@Straatford87First Battlefield since Battlefield 2 I won't be buying. You guys dropped the ball so hard on crossplay that I'm absolutely amazed.

The general communication around the subject has also been severely lacking, especially so now that you've opened up pre-orders. I'm pretty disappointed.


How, how do you sell a $70 multiplayer only game without crossplay?

Message 29 of 154 (4,037 Views)

Re: Discussion Thread - Battlefield Briefing: Welcome to 2042

★★★★ Novice

Based on the most recent stats I could find, it looks like only 5% of console gamers have upgraded to next-gen hardware.  Unlike 2013-2014 (when the last new consoles dropped), we're in a massive chip shortage and have COVID related production limitations, meaning that we won't see more consoles on the shelves until mid-late 2022 (according to Sony).


So, since roughly 2/3rds of the BF player base will be playing BF2042 on last-gen hardware, I think it's important to start featuring the last-gen version of the game in trailers and discussions.  

Message 30 of 154 (3,997 Views)


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