Re: battlelog

by EA_Atic

Original Post


[ Edited ]
★ Novice

I have a problem with joining some servers on battlefield 4 it keeps saying im being kick by an admin so i contact the admins of the sever and they said this was my kick message "Battlelog info fetch issue" he said this is because of my profile being restricted due underage but i am 28 and and on my profile my date of birth is 1990 and it still say i am restricted why does it still say this when i am over the age

Message 1 of 10 (1,423 Views)


@kaymonox wrote:

I have a problem with joining some servers on battlefield 4 it keeps saying im being kick by an admin so i contact the admins of the sever and they said this was my kick message "Battlelog info fetch issue" he said this is because of my profile being restricted due underage but i am 28 and and on my profile my date of birth is 1990 and it still say i am restricted why does it still say this when i am over the age

@kaymonox  I've never heard of that particular error. Are you using Battlelog or the in game UI to join multiplayer servers?

Please mark a thread as solved if a post solves your issue.

EA Answers HQ Volunteer Forum Moderator

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Twitter: Ragnarok013
Message 2 of 10 (1,391 Views)


★ Novice

Hey evryone, having a batlelog issue where it says my profile is underage, even though my EA account is of age. Very hard to join a server and kicked saying Battlelog fetch issue

Message 3 of 10 (1,318 Views)

Re: battlelog


Hey, @Rollietheskin  I assume you are playing on PC? If you try to clear cookies and cache on your browser, to see if that helps out.

Message 4 of 10 (1,292 Views)

Re: battlelog

★ Novice

Hey @EA_Atic, unfortunately that did not fix this issue, any other help is greatly appreciated as it's very hard to find a game/ play with friends

Message 5 of 10 (1,262 Views)

Re: battlelog




In what region are you playing and what browser are you using? @Rollietheskin 



Message 6 of 10 (1,249 Views)

Re: battlelog

★ Novice
@EA_Atic Im playing in the EU, and im using Chrome
Message 7 of 10 (1,222 Views)

Re: battlelog

[ Edited ]

If you try to use Edge instead does that help? Standard smile @Rollietheskin 



Message 8 of 10 (1,209 Views)

Re: battlelog

★ Novice
@EA_Atic im having the same problem as Rollietheskin and the original poster and have tried all of your suggestions but none of them have worked so far, do you have any other ideas on how to fix this?
Message 9 of 10 (1,082 Views)

Re: battlelog

@takeoversquare0 are you logging in with the correct account? What gamer tag do you use?

Message 10 of 10 (1,047 Views)