constantly kicked from every server by punk buster

by dispatchh

Original Post

Re: constantly kicked from every server by punk buster

★★ Novice

For those who are still having some issues.. here it is step by step..


1.- Log out of Origin (Log out from your web browser too)

2.- Go to C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\Battlefield 4 Beta and DELETE PB folder

3.- Download from

4.- Extract PBSetup.exe in C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\Battlefield 4 Beta

5.- Run PBSetup.exe as Administrator

6.- Go to Add a Game > Game: Battlefield 4 > Add game

7.- Select Battlefield 4 and check for updates


Dont forget to XP this post..

Message 51 of 199 (1,993 Views)

Re: constantly kicked from every server by punk buster

★★ Novice

you mean the " pb" ?

Message 52 of 199 (1,979 Views)

Re: constantly kicked from every server by punk buster

★★★ Novice

this doesnt do anything....

Message 53 of 199 (1,958 Views)

Re: constantly kicked from every server by punk buster

★★ Novice
Every time, I enter a server. For the first minute, I can play as usual, but after that minute, I got "kicked" and this message popped up:
Game disconnected: you were kicked by PunkBuster. Stated reason: PunkBuster kicked player '(my name)' (for 0 minutes) ... RESTRICTION: Service Communication Failure: PnkBstrB.exe initialization failed
Message 54 of 199 (1,957 Views)

Re: Kicked by PunkBuster

★★ Novice

You re-installed the whole game?

Message 55 of 199 (1,946 Views)

Re: constantly kicked from every server by punk buster

★ Novice

I've read through this entire thread, tried every 'fix' suggested.  Although they may have worked for you, they do not work for me.  I uninstalled and am re-downloading now with hopes that will fix it.  


(FYI, I had just installed this on a new install of windows 7 sp1 fully updated as of today).


Here is to hoping that this fixes my problem.

Message 56 of 199 (1,942 Views)

Re: constantly kicked from every server by punk buster

★★★ Novice

Do number 2 in this to fix the Punkbuster error. To hopefully fix the "battlefield 4 has stopped working" error, do all of this.


Alright. so, THIS has to be the fix, or at least the MAIN things to check.

1. right click on "computer" go to properties. look under "windows edition" and if you don't see "Service Pack 1" anywhere in there...then you need to open up windows update. Download it, install it (i even installed all the other important updates except (kb971033). This is what finally fixed my "Battlefield has stopped working" error.

2. Download punkbuster, open it, add battlefield 4, search for should update.

-go here
-download it
-start it up
-add battlefield 4
-search for updates, it should update.

3. Restart computer (if you haven't done so already)

4. launch game. My loading screen took about 5-8 mins to finally load me in. just wait it out and the next time is much faster.


Message 57 of 199 (1,930 Views)

Re: constantly kicked from every server by punk buster

★★ Novice

I have tried everything, I keep getting the PB error. I am not sure if PnkBstrA.exe is supposed to be in the pb folder, but if it is then my pb folder does not have that. Otherwise I have no idea what to do next because I have updated pb 5+ times, restarted 5+ times, and logged in and out of origin a lot. I am going to try to update the game again and possibly reinstall it and see if it works..

Message 58 of 199 (1,858 Views)

Re: constantly kicked from every server by punk buster

★★ Novice

i tried this also and it didnt work

Message 59 of 199 (1,851 Views)

Re: constantly kicked from every server by punk buster

★★ Apprentice

I have also tried all the troubleshooting steps in this thread, with no luck.


As I started up my computer I noticed Origin did a Microsoft C++ update (asked permission) and since then I have been having issues. Positive this is causing the issue and will need some sort of patch to fix.


See you on the Battlefield tomorrow!

Message 60 of 199 (1,715 Views)