What bf4 needs to have

by david27dc

Original Post

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What bf4 needs to have

★★ Novice
Multiplayer Maps small medium and large maps to make every battlefield player happy. More guns and more attachments also have gun camos for everybody not just premium players have regular players have some camos and premium players have exclusive camos you can only get if you have premium. For campaign make the campaign longer and have a better story Add the most played bf3 maps and put them in bf4. Have two player split screen online Add more vehicles Add a kill cam.
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Re: What bf4 needs to have

Community Manager (retired)

I appreciate the time you took to write this feedback, however, this is not the appropriate place to post it.


I suggest creating a thread on the Battlelog for starters.


Kind regards,


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Re: What bf4 needs to have

Community Manager (retired)

I appreciate the time you took to write this feedback, however, this is not the appropriate place to post it.


I suggest creating a thread on the Battlelog for starters.


Kind regards,


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