DICE LA CAMO Not working (i did it properly and still no cigar)

by MrSisterFister34

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Accepted Solution

DICE LA CAMO Not working (i did it properly and still no cigar)

★★ Novice

I did the Dice LA Camo easter egg hunt, I got the code, 355117445 about a day earlier and it didnt work when I typed it in the pad in a Large Conquest Dragon Valley normal ranked map.

Here's the fun part, the very next day (today) I tried it again, found someone to do it with, we did it in 15 minutes together and got the same code as the one before. So we joined the required server got to the keypad and this guy brought another friend cause we thought we could all use that code if we typed it in fast enough. The first guy got the code and got the camo, we tried it and we didn't get it.

Now here's another fun part, we went into another custom server to get another code, this one was newly started so it wasnt the same one as before, got the same code, tried on another required server and it still was buzzing us and we didn't get it.


Now what I want to know is from the guys that made this easter egg:


1.How long do we have to wait for a new code to be made;

2.Is it possible that it doesn't register the code input properly on some graphics settings (mine are extremly low, but I always made sure it said "press E" on the correct number before pressing);

3.Am I personally unable to get the camo because I need something else to get it;


Please someone that made this tell what I need to do for the love of god, I'm begging at this point I don't even care how many times I need to do this I just want to know if I'm able to do it or not.

Message 1 of 2 (478 Views)

Accepted Solution

Re: DICE LA CAMO Not working (i did it properly and still no cigar)

★★ Novice

I got it now, got into a server with 90 min + timer and had a bit of trouble with the decoder but got the code eventually with enough tries and sore elbows.

Another funny thing, this code was 344 117 440. Dice you are f#cking with aren't you.

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Re: DICE LA CAMO Not working (i did it properly and still no cigar)

★★ Novice

I got it now, got into a server with 90 min + timer and had a bit of trouble with the decoder but got the code eventually with enough tries and sore elbows.

Another funny thing, this code was 344 117 440. Dice you are f#cking with aren't you.

Message 2 of 2 (448 Views)