Re: Cant get past User Agreement screen - Battlefield 4 (ps4)

by Its_Travis_199

Original Post

Re: Cant get past User Agreement screen - Battlefield 4 (ps4)

Nice idea. 


But i would guess he wants to play online too.


Greets, Travis 

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Message 11 of 40 (2,153 Views)

Bf4 user agreement glitch

★★★ Newbie

I just got bf4 on ps4 and it’s not letting get passed the user agreement. None of the buttons work, I tried restarting my consol or uninstalling and reinstalling the game and still nothing works.

Message 12 of 40 (2,206 Views)

Re: Bf4 user agreement glitch

★★★ Newbie

Same thing, man. I just bought BF 4 and can't pass user agreement. Game has latest version (1.24) with all DLC, internet connection is normal. I don't know, what I have to do. Did you solve this problem?

Message 13 of 40 (2,119 Views)

Re: Cant get past User Agreement screen - Battlefield 4 (ps4)

★★★ Newbie

Same problem, man. Did you find solution?

Message 14 of 40 (2,092 Views)

Can't pass user agreement BF 4 (PS 4)

★★★ Newbie

I just bought BF 4 on my Ps 4 and there's a problem with user agreement. I can't pass it, all buttons just don't work. My controller works fine, game's version is 1.24 (latest). I don't know, what to do. Please, fix this glitch 

Message 15 of 40 (2,115 Views)

Re: Can't pass user agreement BF 4 (PS 4)

@Ryder355 I've seen that issue been mentioned more often by people recently. I never had this myself tho.

Not sure if there is a fix for that yet. Raised eyebrow


Greets, Travis 

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Message 16 of 40 (2,077 Views)

Re: Can't pass user agreement BF 4 (PS 4)

@xtclark20065 @Ryder355 


I just merged your two threads with a already existing one about the same topic, just to keep the boards clear and might get it further notice as a bigger thread. 


Greets, Travis 

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Message 17 of 40 (2,072 Views)

Re: Can't pass user agreement BF 4 (PS 4)

★★★ Newbie

I just created a new ea account with a different email and now it works

Message 18 of 40 (2,067 Views)

Re: Can't pass user agreement BF 4 (PS 4)

@xtclark20065 wrote:

I just created a new ea account with a different email and now it works

@xtclark20065 well, that's good to hear. 


i ping @goturToes1 @Ryder355 in case you missed it. ^^


Greets, Travis 

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Message 19 of 40 (2,042 Views)

Re: Cant get past User Agreement screen - Battlefield 4 (ps4)

★★★ Newbie

Me too but the problem is I can't do anything except interact with the ps4 I wanna play multiplayer but I literally can't get past the user agreement screen for some whatever reason and whenever I insert the disc my ps4 turns into a get engine independent if it was already installed or not and it normally doesn't get that loud because I never install heavy games like this 

Message 20 of 40 (1,899 Views)