Battlelog - incorrect battle reports, incorrect many statistics (no progress)

by Olson9734

Original Post

Battlelog - incorrect battle reports, incorrect many statistics (no progress)

[ Edited ]
★ Apprentice

BATTLELOG. Battle reports - only the lost rounds have been visible in the graphics for about 2 months. Even wins rounds appear as lost rounds. Often visible reports from rounds I haven't participated in at all. Kills / deaths don't change - no progress. The time in the game does not change - still the same - no progress. Ranks - still the same - no progress. . Repairing the game, updating, reinstalling Origin, does not change nothing. In-game, gameplay - no problems. Already in August, someone here has reported this problem, but I can't find the answer. Someone can help? Greetings to all players and staff.                                                          


Message 1 of 15 (2,243 Views)

Re: Battlelog - incorrect battle reports, incorrect many statistics (no progress

★★★ Newbie
@奥尔森9734 they will answer you no bug....
ᕙ། ◕ – ◕ །ᕗ
Message 2 of 15 (2,200 Views)

Re: Battlelog - incorrect battle reports, incorrect many statistics (no progress

[ Edited ]
★★ Novice



I have the same problems.

Battlelog battle reports are incorrect.


For me only the lost matches are counted!

This breaks my statistics!


Look Screenshots!


PLEASE fix this bug...

Message 3 of 15 (1,984 Views)

Re: Battlelog - incorrect battle reports, incorrect many statistics (no progress

★ Apprentice

Exactly. See my screenshot. Battle reports - lost rounds only (it s not true ofc)

Message 4 of 15 (1,936 Views)

Re: Battlelog - incorrect battle reports, incorrect many statistics (no progress

★ Novice


Message 5 of 15 (1,915 Views)

Betreff: Battlelog - incorrect battle reports, incorrect many statistics (no pro

★★ Novice

my mates have the same problems...

EA PLEASE fix it!

Message 6 of 15 (1,880 Views)

Betreff: Battlelog - incorrect battle reports, incorrect many statistics (no pro

★ Apprentice
@B4TTLE Click "Mee too" in the first post/entry here
Message 7 of 15 (1,859 Views)

Betreff: Battlelog - incorrect battle reports, incorrect many statistics (no pro

★★ Novice
@Olson9734 I had allready
Message 8 of 15 (1,857 Views)

Betreff: Battlelog - incorrect battle reports, incorrect many statistics (no pro

★ Apprentice
This post has been hanging around for over two weeks. So I wonder where is the staff? Are they already sleeping like bears in winter?
Message 9 of 15 (1,854 Views)

Betreff: Battlelog - incorrect battle reports, incorrect many statistics (no pro

★★ Novice
@Olson9734 I think they are busy with the bugged BF2042
Message 10 of 15 (1,815 Views)