Battlefield 4 premium cant download or play

by ragenquit

Original Post

Battlefield 4 premium cant download or play

★★★ Newbie

I have bought the game and tried the trial before that. Now when the trial is over I cant get in to the game because it says that my game time is over and I cant get the premium client to install from no where? What can I do to get to the game? My battlefield 4 client at origin is named "battlefield 4 (origin game time)".

When I log in to the site it shows me at the top "battlefield 4 premium" and below that: 



Your trial period has ended. To continue your career, buy the game today!

Upgrade now on origin


When I enter to the upgrade it just tells me to add things to my shopping cart, but I have already bought it why cant I download it or something?.

Message 1 of 3 (605 Views)

Re: Battlefield 4 premium cant download or play

★★ Novice

I have the same problem almost. After trial period my game «Battlefield 4» is still in the library.  When I come to shop in EA app it shows me that the game is bought.

When I try to load it I got this error from attached file.

I also tried app recovery, cleaning cashe and to reinstall the app, but It hasn’t helped me.


If I redeem the code for BF4, will the game be downloaded and work well? 




Message 2 of 3 (340 Views)

Re: Battlefield 4 premium cant download or play

Hi @Aleksey2033redux This thread is from 2015 so I'm going to have to close it.

Please feel welcome to create a new one about your issue, though.

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Message 3 of 3 (337 Views)