Battlefield 3 Server Issues Since Mar. 6, 2024

by iBlindfolded

Original Post

Re: Battlefield 3 Server Issues Since Mar. 6, 2024

[ Edited ]
★★★ Novice

Had the same idea. Disabling player seeders. No one does it for some reason. Wondering

But nowadays I think it is a multitude of different problems.

The first being a Battlelog to bf3 miscommunication. (Also Battlelog has gotten suuuuuper slow.)

The second seems to be fake players on the server. They fill the server to the brim. Even the que of 10 Players is constantly full so that no new players can join and the server slowly dies out as some people leave and no one can join the server.

And third, is an active DDoS freak who keeps extorting money from the admins. If they pay they get a free month without crashes and if they don't they get constant crashes. Which is completely stupid because this one person basically kills the whole game for a few bucks.


Yet again all those issues were known since 2017. U can look up the previous reports and discussions. There was always one EA staff member saying: We will look into this! ---- and of course what they meant was... they send an email to some other staff members.... those emails then got into the trashbin of the other ea members and case closed.

Message 71 of 135 (1,279 Views)

Re: Battlefield 3 Server Issues Since Mar. 6, 2024

★★★★★ Novice

I've tested it also without server seeders and several servers are still disappearing in Battlelog. So that's not the solution atm :-(

Message 72 of 135 (1,173 Views)

Re: Battlefield 3 Server Issues Since Mar. 6, 2024

★★ Apprentice






Message 73 of 135 (1,167 Views)

Re: Battlefield 3 Server Issues Since Mar. 6, 2024

★★ Apprentice

Correct, Wiemi. Seeding is not the issue. It could play a part in some servers depending on the join and leave rates, but overall it's not the issue. I know you've tested it, and I know TBG Matt has tested seeding versus no seeding. I still feel as if this was a direct target to decline the bf3 player base. I don't know why they even put the game on sale when players cannot even play unless a single map only server. Then on top of that, they are dealing with this group who's intentionally taking down the servers that are populated.

Message 74 of 135 (1,100 Views)

Re: Battlefield 3 Server Issues Since Mar. 6, 2024

[ Edited ]
★★★ Novice

Well, the seeders are surely filling the queue tough. Because the queue is always full. Or are these actual people who just cannot join and then block everyone else by waiting for 1 hour?
Recently I was playing on Banana and for more than half an hour the people just got fewer and fewer. In the end it was just 5 vs 3 players, me included, and a full queue of 10 people. I can not check if it were real people waiting in the queue or just "seeders"  tough. So there might still be a connection no one sees yet.

As I said. I don't think it is just one problem.... I think I listed my experience of Issues quite well. The seeder deactivating idea is just a possible thought which noone has tried before. But it seems it has been tried now. Or at least to some extent.

Message 75 of 135 (1,089 Views)

Re: Battlefield 3 Server Issues Since Mar. 6, 2024

[ Edited ]
★ Apprentice

It looks a bit different m8. Its ONLY about desync between Battlelog and the server. The first time it happened we thought about bots issue, but its not about them.


It usually happens after a map change, but its not a rule.

1) We removed all of the maps from the rotation and left only 1 - server worked fine for quite a long time, we were able to play up to 3 rounds with battle reports appearing in BL, but after some time players werent able to join anymore. Also how many times in a row can you play Bazar. Standard smile

2) While we were able to join the server we added a map to the rotation - after that we werent able to join anymore.

3) While we were able to join the server we forced a map change - werent able to join anymore.

We tested it (with bots turned off) in, i guess, every possible way, those above arent all of them.


So as above we had bots, as well as server`s Adkats, turned off (ingame admin commands/player commands and so on were disabled - you couldnt !assist / !report etc., banlist was off, 0 bots populating the server) and exactly the same things happened as now when bots are again turned on (players unable to join, server disappearing from the Battlelogs server list). The max bots amount on the server is limited and regulated. They cant overpopulate the server in normal conditions. We had bots for a long time before latest maintence - everything worked fine for years. Also those full queues might be, lets call them, "ghost players" - players who tried to join the server but left the queue and somehow they still remain in it as connection between Battlelog and the server is disturbed. In this case Battlelog has outdated and distorted information about real player count.


But still always, no matter what, the first thing that happens is disability to join the server -> then server looks overpopulated (with bots turned on) -> then it disappers from the BL.


We have also another, less known 16 slot Banana server. Everything is off there, it probably never had bots provider and same story - you`re unable to join it after some time, usually 1 round when map changes to another one. Yeah, in this case queue isn`t full, but still youre not able to join and after some time server disappears. Only server restart makes you able to join it again.


After such desync we have full access and control over the server via admin tools like procon and dashboard, server remains active/online. Also sometimes there still remain players on the server even when its already invisible on the Battlelog.

Message 76 of 135 (1,052 Views)

Re: Battlefield 3 Server Issues Since Mar. 6, 2024

★★ Apprentice
@Bounty_Hunter_PL this is exactly what's happening in details
Message 77 of 135 (1,034 Views)

Re: Battlefield 3 Server Issues Since Mar. 6, 2024

★★★ Novice

I just keep bumping this post. Since the traffic and attention of ea seems to be gone already... noted and shreddered.


Message 78 of 135 (733 Views)

Re: Battlefield 3 Server Issues Since Mar. 6, 2024

★★ Apprentice

yes the issue is still persist, any updates @EA_Leeuw ??? 

Message 79 of 135 (692 Views)

Re: Battlefield 3 Server Issues Since Mar. 6, 2024

★★ Apprentice

it's also marked as solved !!!!!

Message 80 of 135 (691 Views)