How do I unban a creation?

by DalekThatIsGood

Original Post

How do I unban a creation?

★ Novice

I didn't actually think that I had banned any creations. I must have done it accidentally when I was deleting something. A new Adventure that popped up in my recent downloads apparently has a banned thing in it. I wanna know what it is, but I can't find anything on YouTube or Sporepedia that might help me find what creations I have banned. Possible to unban?  Even if I can't unban them, is there any way to find what creations I've banned? 

Message 1 of 2 (554 Views)

Re: How do I unban a creation?

[ Edited ]
★ Apprentice

You never banned anything. The ban symbol on an adventure is different, an adventure gets the ban symbol whenever it has a creation in it that for some reason failed to load, and doesn't allow you to play the adventure. This can be caused by the creation having modded parts, a building being too flat (for some reason), a creation that is too complex, etc. 

Tl;dr This is an issue on the end of the adventure's creator. You didn't do anything wrong, and there isn't a way to fix it unless the creator of the adventure released a fixed version

Message 2 of 2 (514 Views)