Choose War Opponent

by Commontown

Original Post

Choose War Opponent

★★★★★ Novice

I'm with a club that hovers around 20 - 22 members. Since reaching the Savannah at level 4, wars have gotten painfully boring. We either get a 30k point lead and the opponent quits, or the opponent gets ahead far enough where their members just stay under their domes for the last 24 plus hours. Our club is quite social and active in Contest of Mayors as well so we don't want to cut members. 


The solution? Give us a pool of teams to choose from when we start a war. We'd rather wait for an opponent with 15 to 20 members then face 3 sad basement dwellers who are running 4 teams each. If this isn't possible I'd suggest putting a clock on how long a player can stay under a dome. Maybe at the 2 hour mark if your city has been under more than 8 hours it turns green again.


Please do something about this.



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