mass effect andromeda wont play

by AceAvion

Original Post

mass effect andromeda wont play

★ Novice

Since that last patch, for Mass Effect Andromeda, The game won't play. Every time I try to launch the game, the window pops up preparing the game and it gets to 100% then the window closes. After this, nothing else happens. I've waited for a bit, I tried restarting my computer, and I've tried re downloading both the update and the game itself but nothing changes. I would really like to keep playing Mass Effect Andromeda since it has just came out. Can someone help me?

Message 1 of 5 (782 Views)

Re: mass effect andromeda wont play

★★★★ Novice

Same problem here. Since 1.05 I can't get passed loading screen before game just disappears. No error message it just cuts out and I am back to desktop with origin open

Message 2 of 5 (751 Views)

Re: mass effect andromeda wont play

★★★ Newbie

Same for me.  After patch, game start but is only a black screen, or no screen at all, but it says game is running. Have tried to update again, I ran Repair,. restarted, closed everything but Origin, nothing makes a difference. It says it is running, but no game is showing.

Message 3 of 5 (739 Views)

Re: mass effect andromeda wont play

★★★★ Apprentice

I can't believe your post was done in 2017 and here I am in 2022 with the same issue and no solutions anywhere.

What pisses me off the most is that I've been playing for weeks now with no issues whatsover and now, when the game is going great and I have the free time to play for hours, I am having problems.


I've been troubleshooting for 5 hours now. That's 5 hours that I could have been playing instead.

Message 4 of 5 (576 Views)

Re: mass effect andromeda wont play

Community Manager

Hey there, locking this thread due to necro-posting as it's quite old.


Please feel free to create a new thread if you've gone through these troubleshooting steps and still need help, thanks!

Message 5 of 5 (508 Views)