Great Ides

by RKIDD79

Original Post

Great Ides

★★ Novice

Ok mass effect andromeda player's here's a few good ideas.

I'm a huge fan of MASS EFFECT ANDROMEDA. So scott ryder or sarah ryder flirts and builds a relationship right? Ok let's ask the developers to make a sequel to sarah or scott gets married. Or has kids and let their son or daughter take the father or mothers place. And expand the land to go further out to explore. Say the archon had a side man who wants revenge for his fallen friend the archon? And plans to nuke the whole nation or at least try to take over. What about the nice outfits the other AI's wear we should wear them too? And change the color the clothes. And what about more hair styles and a more stylish Nomad? And different but more cool armor and designs?  And definitely should romance anyone. Captain Dunn would of been great to romance or sarissa? Or any AI characters? They were pretty Al's the graphics of this game? I give it a Grade A+ 100% I've played and beaten this game 23 times exact number I've played this game. So please I pray to god they'll be a new mass effect soon!

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Re: Great Ides

★★★ Apprentice
@RKIDD79 23 play through s, wow great dedication
Message 2 of 2 (513 Views)