NBA Live Mobile ruined in recent update

by CooldudeofUSA

Original Post

NBA Live Mobile ruined in recent update

★★ Newbie
Before the update the game was getting four stars. Now, its earning two stars after the update. everyone hates the new my team lines and the removal of the balanced line. you also can't put players out of position now, so its harder to get a better overall. what i've noticed is that in games, doing a layup/dunk is harder, and so is doing the tip off. I personally like the addition of the two way line up, just add the balanced line up and it should get people back into it. In my opinion, this is one of the worst EA update EVER. which is suprising because you guys usually get the updates out that the fans love. Anyways I hope this is seen and that you can help the game not die. - Frofro
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Re: NBA Live Mobile ruined in recent update

★★ Novice
It is
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