why do people cant hear me but i can hear them when my vc is on

by AKO1465

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why do people cant hear me but i can hear them when my vc is on

★★ Newbie

I am on pc and my mic works on other platforms I chacked it in the settings and sometimes they do hear me for a sec but most of the time it doesn't work


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Re: why do people cant hear me but i can hear them when my vc is on

Community Manager
@AKO1465 Wanted to confirm if this is still happening, are you using any software with your Mic that might control volume or noise threshold that could cause it to cut out or lower your voice?


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Re: why do people cant hear me but i can hear them when my vc is on

Community Manager
@AKO1465 To confirm what game are you experiencing this issue in?


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Message 2 of 3 (332 Views)

Re: why do people cant hear me but i can hear them when my vc is on

Community Manager
@AKO1465 Wanted to confirm if this is still happening, are you using any software with your Mic that might control volume or noise threshold that could cause it to cut out or lower your voice?


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Message 3 of 3 (275 Views)