Sims 4 game

by Siminit1209

Original Post

Sims 4 game

★★★ Newbie
Do I have to have the previous games downloaded and can I just buy a downloadable version I do not have a optical drive
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Re: Sims 4 game

Community Manager

@Siminit1209 Hi there,


The Sims 4 is a standalone game that does not require Sims 3 or any older iterations to play.

You can purchase the game digitally on the Origin store and download it just fine, without having to install anything with an optical drive.


You are lucky, there appears to be a sale currently, so you may want to make use of that while it lasts:


Last but not least, if you want to test how it runs on your PC you can choose Origin Game Time and install and play the game for a bit before you buy it:


You will need to download the Origin Client for either of those, you can get it from here:


Let us know if you have any further questions.




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