PS3 - Patch Repository

by HankBergner

Original Post

PS3 - Patch Repository

[ Edited ]
★★★ Newbie

Recently I had to change hard drive in my console and found out the hard way that the shutdown of your online services also included game patches.


I understand why you eventually have to shut down the online servers.

And while I can accept that the online gaming ability is shut down, I can't figure out why you don't want to keep the ability for your customers to download the latest game patch.

I have a bunch of older PS3 games from EA that aren't enjoyable and some are barely playable without the latest game patches.


It should be of interest for you to present your games and their gaming experience as they were intended.

A game patch is released for a reason (bugs, glitches, optimization etc)


If you're unable to provide server space yourself (which I doubt), you should really have a sit down with Sony and Microsoft to work out a plan for other ways to download. Perhaps a nice update page or their online stores?


Any thoughts on this?



Message 1 of 2 (188 Views)

Re: PS3 - Patch Repository

Community Manager

@HankBergner Hi,


It is a good idea, unfortunately I am not aware of any plans regarding this at this time.

I'll pass your feedback on.




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