EA FC 24 Verification Code

by yungdiegs

Original Post

EA FC 24 Verification Code

★★★ Newbie

Here we are again, 


EA FC 24, you can change the game but you can't change EA. Another year of spending 100$ + to get the early access and ultimate edition for a mediocre game. Seemed that this would be a make it or break it year for EA since they lost the FIFA license, but all EA cares about is making a gambling simulator for teens.


I can't receive my verification emails to start the game, and when I try to change my account settings I'm being requested another verification code. Seems counter productive no? After being a loyal customer since the WORLD CUP 2010 game, I have realized that EA doesn't work with common sense. I have made a couple tickets on EA support and they keep getting deleted so I can't receive help. EA doesn't have an approachable number either, that would make too much sense!


To summarize my issue, I want my money back for early access/ultimate edition. What's the point of paying for it if I can't enjoy it?


I'm sure EA will find some way to scum me, but whatever I'm tired of the monopoly this fraudulent company is running.

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