Santa coins and gift cards

by erodrig294985

Original Post

Santa coins and gift cards

★ Novice
What happens to the left over gift cards and Santa coins when the Xmas event is over?
Message 1 of 4 (150 Views)

Re: Santa coins and gift cards

★★★★ Guide

Probably nothing.

Message 2 of 4 (135 Views)

Re: Santa coins and gift cards

★ Novice
Then what's the use of getting all of these cards and coins? I feel at this point these should held for the next update which should be The Valentine's update.
Message 3 of 4 (133 Views)

Re: Santa coins and gift cards

★★★ Newbie

Nothing is probably correct.  That is what happened with the goo from Halloween.  This is why EA should let us transfer unused tokens to friends.

Message 4 of 4 (126 Views)