battlefield 4 new old maps

by demonicreeper

Original Post

battlefield 4 new old maps

★★★ Newbie

i honestl  don't know how to do this but . I would like to ask ea games  to bring back battlefield 3 s maps to battlefeild4 there are some really good maps  and I know fokes that play battle field 4 would love to have that for a map pack  on any console or pc  but I don't know how to suggest this to ea or if they would even listen to me  and o ya hey EA  were battlefield bad comp 3  if you put that game out make sure its the same team who made one and two years back cause they did it right loved thows games * if you bring them back to xbox one and ps4 I bet suckers like me would rebuy them     hit me back ea showing you love   demoniccreeper  

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