Why punkbuster kicking me

by red_soldier1010

Original Post

Why punkbuster kicking me

★★★ Newbie

Punkbuster kick me out of games that i have been playing in for hours because i of a non regesterd driver/system WTF i have the same system i had when the f-ING game came out.


is this punkbuster or dice or server admins being a total tool?

Message 1 of 2 (133 Views)

Re: Why punkbuster kicking me

★★★ Guide

Hello ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ,

The possibility here is that Punkbusters sees a new type or hardware id while you play this can happen becaus you updated something while playing or something else. This is not the fault of an admin sinceh e cannot do anything about what Punkbusters is doing. If the problem keeps showing up i recommand you to update punkbusters and make sure all your drivers are up to date.

I will see you on the battlefield!


Please accept a solution if your issue is solved. XP is also appreciated
I don't work or have any association with EA
Questions belong in the forums. I don't answer questions via PM.

Accepteer een oplossing als het probleem verholpen is. XP is altijd welkom en is altijd fijn om te krijgen. Ik werk niet voor EA of doe iets samen met EA. Vragen horen hier op het Answer HQ en niet in mijn PM box.


Message 2 of 2 (126 Views)