Refunding of BF4

by MaximHKG

Original Post

Refunding of BF4

★ Novice

I am a player of BF4. But I found that there are many problems of the game.For example:Keep falling after respwan , the ping of the server are too high or the game shut down suddenly after joined the server etc. These were the big problems of BF4 from it were sold till now . Though some of them were solved . But there are many problems happened one by one and EA doesn't have a effectively way to stop the bugs keep happen.So , can I get the refund  from EA of the game? I am really disappointed with this game . These problems lead me hard to level up or lost interest in it . So , I hope EA can return the money I used to buy the game-BF4.

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Re: Refunding of BF4




We are not able to help you with your request for a refund on Answer HQ. Please click on the following

link to get more information on refunds.

If you did not buy the game on Origin, please contact your retailer.



With best regards,




"Great works are performed, not by strength, but by perseverance"

~ Samuel Johnson


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