BF4 Xbox One - Can't play certain maps unless I join off of friends!! :-(

by BlackViper13

Original Post

BF4 Xbox One - Can't play certain maps unless I join off of friends!! :-(

★ Apprentice

I have XBox One and BF4.  I had the game on 360 and traded it in for the Xbox One version.  When I go to multiplayer and join there I have a very limited selection of servers (Extremely limited compared to the 360.  ie now like 20 servers vs before it was more like 200+ servers).  I have since noticed that have the original game maps aren't showing up in the servers, about half of the second assault maps and none of the China Rising maps are showing except in air supperiority only.  Also I am not able to find any normal conquest servers.  Just the large.  I also think I am missing some of the the other game modes in the server list.

Yes I do realise to add them in the server search options.  I've done this and it changes nothing.  It's extremely frustrating as I only have access to about 4-6 maps for conquest.  and the 4 China Rising maps for air supperiority.  As I have stated the only way for me to join maps like Caspian Border or Metro is when I join off of friends.  I once got the Conquest Large for CR but then never again.

Also if I join a server on my own I usually will eventually get dropped off the server.  Where as when I join off of friends its less likely I get dropped.

How the heck to I fix this?

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