game won"t advance on operation guillotine during mortar firing

by cken10

Original Post

game won"t advance on operation guillotine during mortar firing

★★ Novice

during the operation guillotine, after setting up the mortar to fire, the game just continues to fire mortar rounds and the story won't advance. i've sat there waiting for a prompt to do something, but nothing happens. they just keep firing out mortars. i've sat there waiting for several minutes, yet nothing but the mortar is firing away. what is going on here?

Message 1 of 2 (198 Views)

Re: game won"t advance on operation guillotine during mortar firing

★★★ Novice

Ya dude i had the same problem but then i fist tried these steps and then the game advanced from there :


1- Repaired the game at origin.

2-Loaded the same level again and again.

3-Started the game from the 1st level.


try one of these..

@cken10 wrote:

during the operation guillotine, after setting up the mortar to fire, the game just continues to fire mortar rounds and the story won't advance. i've sat there waiting for a prompt to do something, but nothing happens. they just keep firing out mortars. i've sat there waiting for several minutes, yet nothing but the mortar is firing away. what is going on here?


Message 2 of 2 (195 Views)