Проблема при в ходе на сервер

by prokhorov_ser

Original Post

Проблема при в ходе на сервер

★★★ Newbie

При любой попытке входа на сервер выскакивает такая табличка: "Game disconnected: you were kicked by PunkBuster. Stated reason: PunkBuster kicked player 'prokhorov_ser' (for 0 minutes) ... RESTRICTION: Service Communication Failure: PnkBstrA.exe". Никаких посторонних программ не использую, почему так происходит?


Message 1 of 2 (102 Views)

Re: Проблема при в ходе на сервер



This could be a problem with your Punkbuster installation. You could try to update or reinstall punkbuster
to resolve this problem.

Instructions on how to update/reinstall Punkbuster can be found through the following links:

In some cases it helps to remove the PB folder from your game folder before updating Punkbuster.

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This thread will be locked. Please, feel free to repost your message in one of the mentioned
languages/forums. When asking for help, make sure to provide enough and clear information
that could help identify the problem.

With regards,

# If an answer was of help to you, please mark it as the solution as it could help others.
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# Please note, I am not an EA employee.

Message 2 of 2 (100 Views)