Kicked down 10 ranks?

by ninjamaster2k1

Original Post

Kicked down 10 ranks?

★★★ Newbie

Hello! I was playing BF3 on a server and I was rank 33 or so and I was using my .44 magnum (which my friend saw me using the round before) then suddenly my magnum was unequipped the next round. I went to go equip it and I saw 2 rows of secondary weapons were gone including the magnum. I was kind of confused then I saw my rank was 23 instead of in the 30's. I don't understand what happened?

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Re: Kicked down 10 ranks?

★★★ Newbie

**bleep** dude that sucks. its rediculos isnt it. i was 100 col. completely reset so i feel you. still working on my case...


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